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Can you sell a dancefloor while you're in the jurisdiction? Can you even want me? Or is it just a way to keep you safe? Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Are you happy? Does it take you a long time? Does it make you upset? Does it make you think everybody wants to be your friend? I can give you a heartbeat I can give you a friend I can make you think everybody wants to be your friend Drinking with your cell phone with a smile on your face Happy and successful still a thousand miles away Is this what you wanted? Is this everything you had in store? Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Are you happy? Does it take you a long time? Does it make you upset? Does it make you think everybody wants to be your friend? I can give you a heartbeat I can give you a friend I can make you think everybody wants to be your friend Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Are you happy? I've been running circles round this night that never ends I've been chasing heartache in a city and a friend I've been with you so long, even seen you lose it, but who cares? Does it take you a long time? Does it make you upset? Does it make you think everybody wants to be your friend? I can give you a heartbeat I can give you a friend I can make you think everybody wants to be your friend Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Take me and lose me Then tell them I'm yours Good morning, you're listening to UCC 98.3 FM, this is Anantanjum and Anthony and Robin We'll be back just after Breathe In by Fro Fro, so stay tuned I read you that I'm good at it I'm so spotted I'm cold Shapes in it Compress that dissonance If you dare And you Breathe in it Finish them in a second I'm on fire, yeah And I know you're not from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way Cause I love you And hell, I love you What? What, no Don't you understand? I've told you before Just get Off my case This isn't happening Stop this now And I Where was I? I have to be somewhere Now where to put it? And I know you're not from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way Cause I love you And hell, I love you Is this it? Is this it? Is this it? Yeah Is this it? No Is this it? Oh Is this it? No Is this it? No Is this it? Yes Hello, we're back And we're taking calls Now what was the question? I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way Cause I love you And hell, I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you Cause I love you I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'm high enough from all the way there To ride a wave on your way I'll be upon your side till you die I'll be upon your side for always We break, we let go I'll be upon your side till you die I'll be upon your side for always We break, we let go Good morning, you're listening to TCC 93.3 FM This is Anna Sancho with Robin and Anthony Good morning, I hope everyone's having a good morning so far I just came into the studio, basically fumbled in backwards So good start to the morning So today's topic is... Well we have two, don't we? So the first one is careers that we wanted when we were younger Number 2 is... Number 2? I don't know, what's those? I'm so good at French Oh shit Okay, this is why I don't do languages I think... oh no, you're right 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 I know And then the next one is stuck on a desert island Yeah, so these two teams have been chosen by you, the listeners On our Instagram stories And yeah, so we were absolutely delighted to have it Yeah, I don't know why we came up with these things It was just like yesterday, I was like, why don't we talk about something different But we were like, oh well we talked about something different And then we were like, ah Yeah, we were like, no, let's go silly, as always That's how we always end up getting things That's the thing, I said it on our Instagram story I was like, oh yeah, we just go on tangents anyway Speaking of tangents, I think my earphones are out So yeah, we're going to get Robin to fix those earphones right now So now you are going to be stuck listening to me So basically, what careers, when we were younger So the thing is, the question is, do we even know what careers we want now And Robin has just shook her head to me and said, absolutely not So I don't know, it's kind of a strange one The thing is, some people will just never really find out what exactly they want to do And that could very well be us But basically, I think when I was like 6 I think the first ever job I wanted to get I think everybody always wanted to be a fireman, didn't they I've re-figured out the problem, my mic wasn't on Thank you, Anto Yeah, I'm in the producer's chair today And I've actually done it before It's okay I thought you were singing like me, with your headphones I thought it was my headphones And then I looked at the thing and I went, wait a minute And he's like, Robin is not being aired today It is me Yeah, I could hear you two this Otherwise it was just me rambling on Anyway, tangents are ready So go on, tell me the first career that you wanted when you were younger My very first career when I was like 5 That I considered was a fireman Which I think everybody does Did I think of that with any logistics That would be such a hard job Absolutely not, I couldn't do it One of the lads is applying for it now Really? Yeah, he's going fairly far in it So I just be fair and I'm like You know you're going to be the one Do you like that thing, like Oh, would you ever run into a burning building I'm like, you know that's your job Oh my god You know what you're getting into right now That is on the job description I'm like, oh, that wouldn't be for me It'd be so cool though I feel like you'd be making such an impact on people Which to be fair, I think most jobs you do make an impact on people's lives You know, in any sort of way I'd be tough to take me if I was a fireman All my Instagram followers would just be me and the uniform Oh my god, his hinge would be stopping You'd have it on the bio, you'd have it on the radio Absolutely everything, saving cats out of trees Even though I'm afraid of heights I think you'd be a fireman though You're afraid of heights Yeah, I'm afraid of heights I'm not a fan of the sea, fire I'm not too fond of either Do you like any element? Do you like wind? I'm not fond of windy days either I'm a kind of indoor person Yes, perfect What did Nadine Coyle or whatever, she said It's like I'm a beach girl Who? Remember your one, and she was like She was from Girls Loud or whatever She was like, I'm a beach girl, I'm both Or something like that, I can't remember I'll look it up later on anyway I have no clue I know Girls Loud though I had their Now That's What I Call Music CD I used to get one when I went to McDonald's when I was younger You used to get those little jukebox things Jukes Oh yeah, I remember those Or whatever the thing is And you'd turn it on and it'd be You know My Happy Meal toys clearly weren't giving me that I was just getting like I can't remember what Happy Meal toys were What was the best Happy Meal toy? I remember these two Those are Power Rangers Okay, go on, anyway, next one So, anyway I think Firefly was the first one And then Jodie's after that There was a lot of like Not like careers that I wanted But like Like part-time jobs that I wanted Okay, go on I always wanted to work I always thought I'd do retail Like Lifestyle JD You said that, yeah I also thought I'd be a barista Actually no, the first job I ever thought I'd get Was, I thought I'd work in Sentra in Blairney Like the garage right by our school You did actually, I forgot about that Yeah, you had a load of little jobs You've had a couple of little jobs I've had In between working the same job A billion tiny jobs In 2016 Yeah, literally, yeah But, yeah, I always thought I'd work there But then when that didn't happen I was like, I guarantee the first job I'm going to get Is in the cinema I don't know why I always just thought My brother works in cinema for years I just feel like it would be such a grand job He loved it, he loved it Yeah, I feel like it would be really good No, I'm done I think my part-time like jobs Are going to be the same until Until you're finished in Athens I'll probably be stuck in I'll probably be staying in the same place Too bad Yeah, however, it was the first job I have one billion jobs here Because when I was younger I like I don't know I was probably very easily influenced Of course, first with a princess Why not that as well? No Everyone should be a princess No, so princess was obviously the first one I was like, oh my god I want to grow up and live in like a A little fancy tower or whatever like that It'd be freezing though I was very Yeah, because you wouldn't think You were on Tinkertowel There was no logic behind that anyway I just wanted to have the fancy crown And the nice dress Yeah, exactly Next one I can't remember I was trying to rack my brain last night But my brother when he was younger Wanted to do this job with like I don't know It was something like archaeology But it wasn't And it was to do with like Bugs and insects He used to love them And I was like, oh my god Obviously I want to do that too Do I have any interest? No But because he's my older brother I was like, I want to be cool And be like him, obviously So I have beekeeper down here as well At some point Don't understand what that was about I think just bees I watched the bee movie once I'd say And I was like You're coming home with me But you're that type of person though That like you're very You're easily like Malleable Yeah, yes You're like You could watch Yeah, you could watch the bee movie I wouldn't mind I wouldn't mind being a bee Yeah, well, yeah And then psychologist That kept on for a while That actually only really changed That wasn't Up until last night That was just for the sake I'll tell you about that Yeah, but Psychologist, nurse I wanted that for ages Yeah I actually considered that So I thought that would be a good job You'd be such a good nurse Or like a care assistant Yeah, I thought I would have liked to have worked In like the hospital Like scene Hospital scene Like, you know My hinge would be stopping off But, yeah, I thought No, I don't have it I thought I'd be doing it Like, I don't know There was a bit of a time Where I was like Oh, do you know what? I think I'd like to work I think I was watching Scrubs Or something Ah, Grey's Anatomy Not Grey's Anatomy That would turn you off But I was like Oh, do you know what? It'd be a nice setting to work in But obviously As of so far Life hasn't turned out But you never know No, I just turned off it Because the way that they're treated It's just horrendous To be honest And they deserve more So I was just like I just, you know I want to help people As everyone says You know Marketing Huge one, always I used to sell, like T-shirts for my dad and stuff Yeah, I thought I actually Only about a year and a bit ago I was like Oh, I kind of wish I don't market I feel like I would enjoy it Yeah, I'd say so It's a tough job My dad's in it I feel like If you could guess If you were, like Good at it It would be great But I feel like I feel like it would be Kind of a hard enough thing To break into Yeah, I'd say so I think it's a lot of, like I don't know Like, you could say I'm wrong Or whatever But it's I don't know It's like It's very interactive Which I think is great It's very, like Solving problems-y And very, like Very people-based So I think it's like Unless you're okay with Dealing with people all the time Then it's like Yeah, you have to have The right part of it Literally me who has Zero experience in marketing But I know you have to have You have to be a people person And you kind of have to be like You're a people person as well Yeah, that's why I think I'd like to do it Because even And you're very chill Under, like, pressure Like It feels like you could be Falling down into I just don't get stressed By work I don't know Because I don't know I just feel like We're there Like, if Especially jokes Like, we're in Like, we're in the absolute Like, we're doomed I'm like, you know what We're already doomed We might as well just Fix it But, like, laugh And I'll do it Like, there's no point In getting stressed So, like, that thing Like, even, like If a customer Like, normally If a customer, like Gives it to me Or whatever I'm just like I'll just say it So, the next one Sorry, I actually have a billion A ballerina I wanted to be a ballerina For years But that didn't work out Obviously But you did dancing for Years, yeah But, yeah I don't know Anyway, Covid hit And then, like, everything Kind of changed And then, teacher Wanted to be a teacher for ages I'm still considering that one But, like, more like You're with me Yeah But more like A school guidance counsellor I'd love to be a guidance counsellor More so than a teacher Yeah, that'd be That'd be a nice job It'd be really It'd be hard, but Yeah, because I feel like being a teacher Is so, so hard Yeah, I feel like You're a legend for that There's a lot of stuff That isn't on the curriculum That you'll have to do Like, trying to be, like Yeah Trying to be a mentor And trying to support students And stuff Yeah, I feel like It's such a As teachers Like, it's such a big role That you're, like, shaping These, like, individual lives And, like, I think Especially for, like Secondary schools When it's, like You may not feel You're making, like Any difference Because, you know It's scary And they would be, like Like, hate you or whatever But it's when they look back Like, even I look back At my teachers And I'm, like I'm so grateful For, like, the way That you, like You know, you helped me Even though I was, like Or, like, you Funny enough You said that Like, one of my teachers Is actually the reason That I wanted to become a teacher No way And he has no idea And if I ever see him You should tell him If I ever see him down the line I'd love to tell him That's a huge thing We should talk about as well You know This man called Dara Fleming Did, like He does, like, poetry And he writes his own He has his own book And everything Fantastic Incredible mind But I think He had this, like, video before And it was, like It was, like, something About, like, saving the words Until when someone's, like Passed away It's, like, you should Like, save it He thinks to people now Because You never know How that could impact Someone, you know Yeah, that's true Absolutely Yeah, I completely agree With that Because I He has no idea And that's something With being a teacher And you could try and be that And that's not Like, you're not taught that Exactly, yeah It just comes naturally It just comes naturally to you And it's something It's not a burden to have But it's something To keep in mind That, like, one of these students Might actually look up to you So that's why I think a lot A lot more students You have such a big impact On students And you just don't even know it Even as youth workers We've got to talk From youth workers Yeah And it was just fascinating Another job I wanted to go into That's the thing We don't realise When we're around kids That, like, we seem old Like, we still We're, like, 16 Whatever Like, for kids They look up to us I think adults Or even, like, 70 or 80 year olds Probably feel like they're Yeah, I wonder Do you ever feel Do you ever feel Like you've grown up Youth is a construct Like, you're as old Or as young as you feel Sometimes Obviously, like, external factors You can't do that But, you know, internally You can feel like a different person Yeah, exactly Also, I don't know If you did this When you were in school But I also have A few other ones But we did this test To see what careers You would be most suited for Yeah, we done that I don't think I've ever Been a journalist Ever I got journalist And, like, media Or something like that And it was, like, marketing Or whatever Yeah But then I got, like Like, marine biologist Or something to do with biology Or, like, farmer It was something Like to do with animals And I was like This is incredibly random Like, they were, like The jobs I got I was like Well, the pair of animals I suppose Because you have a lot of empathy I suppose Maybe that's where they tied it in No, it was I don't know It was biology-based anyway But it was just insane I was teaching Is that what you were? Yeah, it said It was teaching youth work Or social work So it was, like On the common theme Oh, yeah Like, working with kids And, yeah I was like Oh, yeah That didn't really At the time I think I was in fourth year I was like Oh, excuse I was like I'm going to be a Firefighter Yeah, I was like I'm going to be something Actually, do you know what? One job that I actually Always said I wanted And it's not really a job Probably is Is an influencer I wanted to You're such an influencer I was adamant I was adamant I was going to be famous I didn't know why The only thing is I think You are going to be famous Right? Your life is only starting Would you stop? You are going to be famous The only thing is The idea of being an influencer It's like You can just Can't speak I feel like You can speak your mind But you have to be so careful About how you speak Yeah All the time Obviously, like You shouldn't But, like Because it's free speech Or whatever You just have to And it's like The audience And your job could be gone Like that Because you could get cancelled And it's like I don't know I don't know And people know where you live And stuff It's just I think being in public eye Would scare me Because like I was listening to Jo Chloe Burrows Is that correct? No She was on Love Island Like two years ago But she was doing a podcast And she was talking about Having relationships In the public eye And she said Everything you do Is under a microscope Like they were talking about Tommy Fury In his fight I remember that She put up a photo That she didn't have Her engagement ring on And everybody said Oh my god They're getting divorced But she was actually Getting her ring Recycled Yeah And I just I think I would hate that Being under Like being under A microscope Constantly Because I do Some silly things No but everyone Does silly things Yeah And that's the point And that's the thing And it's like Why are you like And people are so Hateful and spiteful Behind the screen Like you Like Ah no Yeah that's one of the problems I love social media But there is a very hard Now we haven't actually Had any We are lucky enough We haven't experienced That doing this But it is a very Social media Once you're out there And you're big It's a very It's a big bad world You know what I mean And I Even with the whole Love Island thing I've read Remember the Like loads of people Their mental health And everything After like coming out And everything Is the media Is so Like corrupted Because it can shape Your like The way you see someone It can shape your Perception So even in Love Island We're only given snippets And stuff like that So we're only like Seeing like One side of a person And like they're Making you see that And then they're making Them into be a villain Yeah And they could actually Be a nice person Humans Yeah because even Even they said that Again they were talking About I think this is Someone in George Virgin podcast I love like Russian literature So I'd read that In the morning They don't show that But they do show They did show it When we were out And I was screaming At my ex or whatever I was like Oh I was like yeah So we don't actually We don't actually know What somebody's truly like But especially with Reality feed You can kind of Be tricked into Thinking like Oh this is what They're like When really you're Only getting a snippet You are exactly But yeah I still I still thought You will be famous So we obviously use Like the notes app On our phone I can just get a glimpse Of Rob's phone And there is an assignment Written there I do Well to be fair When I go into lectures I actually type on my phone Because I type Yeah And then I just Email it to myself And I just print Not print off my notes But I do my notes like that I'm still old school I use pen and paper Oh no Yeah Really Yeah it's the only way I can get stuff in To be fair when I'm studying I do pen and paper I'm studying To be fair It's normally better Not to have your phone Or laptop out But also I I just feel like I'm in school And I'm just not Retaining anything If I'm taking down notes Yeah that's why I like having a little Five minute breather To myself Inside lectures Just being like But yeah I'm looking at About 50 more careers I have Yeah the main Oh yeah These last two So I want to do Work for the UN I still want to work For an NGO Or something like that What's NGO I do I want to work for Well who are they? Oh my god No idea Yeah you can come back Okay I'm going to come back to it I think I got the word wrong But anyway I want to work for the UN Or whatever And possibly want to work For something like that A lot to do with migration That's something I'm really Interested in We still have so much time To decide what we want to do Then one I always want to But like obviously Contemplating is a job As a mom I would love to be a mom Yeah Older Yes It's a really hard job though And I'm only really realising it That is a hard That's the hardest Oh my god yeah So but yeah That is something that Yeah And then also the world as well You have to like I don't know I think about it a lot And I'm like oh my god The world is like I saw the thing It was like this 92nd thing And it was like Doomsday clock or whatever I don't know And it's like Whatever obviously Whatever Climate change or whatever But yeah being a mom Very very hard job so Very hard job But I feel like Thank you mom The lows are low And the highs are probably Probably so Yeah You don't know love Until you have a child Yeah that's different They always say Your life changes When you have a child Totally Because right now We kind of live for ourselves And we're doing things And if you have a partner You probably have a partner And we can go forward To like okay This is my career But then it's going to Hit a point Hopefully if we're both Lucky enough Yeah That everything Is going to switch And be like okay So I have to Drink tea to school For Noah Or whatever Inside joke But yeah That's actually That's the hardest job No it's the hardest job Of them all I think Probably the one That gives you the most But I think it would be Like really rewarding I was going to say That's the one That would give you The highest The highest Highest So yeah So they're all my jobs Interesting I still have like A billion more But I won't bore you With those Are you a person That knows what they Want to do Or Totally not Yeah that's kind of A problem You could have Like no desire Yeah and that's okay as well I mean I think it's just Important to try Like a load of Different things You know what I think it's important To know as well What you don't want And I always have Known what I don't want I'm saying yeah Whether yeah And then that kind of Leads me in the direction Of something that I do want Yeah And as well what you Want now might Necessarily be what you Want in like a few weeks You can always change You can change all the time You can change Whenever Oh no I'm not When people Don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What 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don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know What they want They don't know I'm lost You're one of a kind The water's not as blue as it first was It's no longer the island of sun The mountains are taller than ever Before I know it's not an island for water I know it's not an island for water You lay all alone on your island For I was too busy on me own But I gives to row a boat to you Too late, the boat is gone The water's not as blue as it first was It's no longer the island of sun The mountains are taller than ever before I know it's not an island for water The water's not as blue as it first was It's no longer the island of sun The mountains are taller than ever before I know it's not an island for water I know it's not an island for water There's a music video to it, it's really, really beautiful She jumped over the desk and said I'm doing a song But it was actually so good, I actually love it I love anything with a guitar strum I'm a sucker for that, I just absolutely love a guitar strum You put on Pyro by Kings of Leon Kings of Leon are all I listen to as well Kings of Leon are very good I always go through phases with that Kings of Leon, I go through it like three months I'm like, these are the best band ever Then I kind of forget about them Yeah, I get you They always come back Kings of Leon are probably my favourite band at the moment So our next theme was... Who would you be stuck with on a desert island? I just made it a name Made it something for me anyway But I'm not going on there You'll have to go first Right, so I had to list out the requirements of this person So I was thinking, this person needs to be someone who's resourceful Can it be a celebrity or can it be somebody that we know? It can be anyone you want Henry for all you know, Henry's his dog Nah, he just barked the place down I wouldn't get any sleep You can chat with Henry It has to be someone you can chat with and laugh with Henry, to be fair At first I was thinking Barry Brills Do you know that guy? Oh, I'd actually totally pick Barry Brills But I don't know if he'd have much of a laugh You never know He seems like he's a lovely character He could be funny But I feel like we don't have a lot in common He'd be like, right, so you've just got to kill that fish and then drink it And I was like, eurgh I'm like, whack it in the air for her, buddy I'm not eating that And then it needs to be someone who wouldn't sacrifice you or something like that You know, it would be kind of bad form If you were sleeping or whatever And then they were like, trying to sacrifice you to the gods or whatever Yeah, that would be bad form I wouldn't really, that would be not a very good friend That would be so snaky Only real ones, no That'd be so odd Like, Barry's trying to kill me on a desert island So, that's kind of an important requirement Someone who's smart You know, someone who's kind of like, clued in But not too smart, because then they can outsmart you Then they can be annoying Oh, I was going to say annoying I was going to say outsmart you And then, crafty You know, if there's some bits and bobs lying around Someone that's like, good with woodwork Yeah, make lemonade out of lemons Yeah, totally Make lemonade out of lemons Very good phrase And can deal well in a crisis Like, the first person I think of that comes to my mind That I can't really deal with is my dad He's like, argh That's the one thing you don't want No one on a desert island is like, oh, we're trapped I need to ask a person He would be the other qualities But like, well, in a crisis, I would be like, maybe Yeah Yeah, that creates my mama as well So she's not there She would not be the one to be on a desert island She'd be like Oh, anyway I need to watch the I know, you can cancel it But, yeah This is a very hard I really should have thought of it from the drive-in Instead of listening to I don't remember what I was listening to You know, I think I have a person for each quality But I don't think I have one Like, I don't think Bear Grylls, 100% Bear Grylls is good But I feel like he's like If I want to live, I'm choosing him That's probably the best You do want to live You're on a desert island You want to live He'd kill over Yeah, he's probably the best person But that feels like a bit of a cop-out, doesn't it? No, not really I can't think of any My friends who'd be brilliant I don't think I don't know anybody I don't know anybody who'd be good in a desert island I would have had someone before But like, now Yeah But like, I don't know I don't know I don't know who I'd pick, to be honest People must be a mess But, I actually Anyway I actually don't know who I'd pick, to be honest Yeah, you do Yeah I actually don't know Maybe No, I don't want to say them And then They're like, really, Robin? Why'd you pick me? I think My friend Katie Bowen's a very smart And I think I could stick a long time with her Yeah So I think she'd be one of the candidates I'm trying to think My friend Andy or Alex I think I could They're both smart Andy would be And they're funny Andy would be good And resourceful I feel like Andy would be good on a desert island Yeah Alex Alex, I love you, I'm not I could sacrifice Alex, I'll be fine That's it I feel like Alex Alex is smart Alex is smart And he's like, fast Oh my god, remember last week When the primary school kids walked past They're all there again Hello Have a good day Oh, they're so sweet They can definitely hear us It's like, can you wave so you can hear us? They wave Oh yeah Sorry, oh yeah I forgot the speaker plays I saw you Anyway Yeah, Andy and Alex would be grand I don't know who else I think Andy There's a few other people I'm just not naming them First person that came to my mind Was my friend Mark McGuire I feel like he Oh, really? Okay, how come? I don't know He's very He's like the most centred person ever And he's just like We'd be stuck in a desert island He's like, ah, sure, look Hell's coming And I'd be like, where's hell coming from? And he's like, don't worry So he'd be it You're like Tom Hanks And he's like the basketball team Yeah, oh, what's that movie? Oh my god What? Oh my god How can I not remember? Wilson, Wilson Castaway Castaway That's the one, yeah Castaway Castaway We are castaway Yeah, so I don't know why Mark was the first person That came to my mind Because I actually wouldn't have I didn't think he'd be the first person That came to my head But yeah, apparently He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was He was

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