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cover of WhatsApp Ptt 2024-03-06 at 10.14.44 PM
WhatsApp Ptt 2024-03-06 at 10.14.44 PM

WhatsApp Ptt 2024-03-06 at 10.14.44 PM


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In this podcast, the speaker introduces themselves as Anin and mentions that they will be discussing a serious topic that many people don't understand. They will be talking about gender, which some people still find confusing. The speaker mentions that they used to think gender meant only male and female, but they have learned otherwise. Hai fellas, selamat datang di podcast Manusia Salongan Perkenalkan gue Anin dari kelas 11 Kesehatan Di podcast kali ini gue bakal ngebahas hal yang sebenernya serius Cuman masih banyak orang yang belum paham tentang hal ini Kira-kira menurut kalian gue bakal ngebahas apa sih? Bener banget sesuai judul yang udah kalian baca tadi di awal Gue bakal ngebahas tentang gender Gue yakin beberapa dari kalian juga masih bingungkan apa sih yang dimaksud dengan gender Well, stay tune karena gue bakal bahas tentang soal gender Oke guys, dulu kalian pasti tau gender tuh kayak cuman sekedar laki-laki sama perempuan aja kan? Gue juga ngiranya kayak gitu, salah banget gue juga ngiranya kayak gitu Tapi setelah gue belajar

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