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The speaker discusses the importance of various aspects of running a successful Shopify store. They emphasize the need for attention to detail in store design, mobile optimization, and product display. They also mention the benefits of having a Shopify expert to ensure the store converts well. The speaker highlights the significance of user experience and easy navigation on the website. They mention the automation of tasks through app integrations, such as email sequences and inventory management. The speaker also mentions the importance of driving traffic to the store through SEO and email marketing. They suggest that high-quality product photography is crucial for success and encourage finding unique ways to stand out among other online shops. All right, everyone, so today we're diving deep into the world of Shopify. Shopify. And to help us navigate these waters, we've got an expert in all things Shopify. Yeah. Someone who's helped countless businesses set up shop and really make a splash in the online world. That's right, yeah. So I think a lot of people, they hear Shopify and they think, okay, easy peasy, I can just like drag and drop a few things, upload some product photos and bam, I'm in business. But you've seen firsthand, it's not always that simple, is it? It is not. And that's something that I think trips a lot of people up. You get so excited about that moment, your store is live, but it's really what happens after someone lands on your page. It's like baking a cake and you've just got the base layer. You haven't frosted it, you haven't added all the sprinkles and the decorations. Will it grab someone's attention when it's- Yeah, will it stand out in a crowded marketplace? Exactly. And that's where I think those details that maybe don't seem as important in the beginning, like custom themes, mobile optimization, the way your products are displayed, those are the things that really make a difference. Yeah. And it's so easy to overlook those when you're just like, I've got to get this product out there. Right. I had a client and this is, I mean, talk about a light bulb moment, but she was really struggling with sales and come to find out her product images on mobile were just, they were tiny. They were blurry, you couldn't really see the details. And just by improving those, she saw like a 30% increase in sales. That's incredible. I mean, it just goes to show you, people are shopping on their phone. All the time. They are scrolling and if they can't see what they're buying, they're not going to buy it. Exactly. And that's where I think having a Shopify expert, someone like you in your corner can be invaluable. Yeah. It's like having a secret weapon, because we know the ins and outs. Right. You know what to look for. We can make sure your store not only looks good, but it converts. So let's talk about that. When you're thinking about your store's design, it's not just about making it look pretty, right? No, absolutely not. It's got to be functional. It's about understanding user experience, how people interact with websites. You want it to be clean. Easy to navigate. Intuitive. If someone can't find what they're looking for, they're gone. Exactly. You click, click, click. If it's not there, I'm out. Yeah. You have like three seconds to capture someone's attention. And then what about the more technical side? You mentioned app integrations earlier. App integrations are amazing, especially for automating your business. Okay. So talk to me about what kind of things can you automate? Oh my gosh. So many things. You can automate your email sequences. Oh, smart. Yeah. For abandoned carts, like when someone puts something in their cart and they leave. Yeah. We've all been there. You can set up a little nudge like, hey, did you forget something? Yeah. You forgot your favorite thing. Exactly. And then inventory management, like that can be all automated too. No more spreadsheets. Okay. So you've got the front end looking good. You've got these things working behind the scenes. What else should someone who's getting ready to launch be thinking about? Well, you've got to get people to actually find your store. Right. So traffic, customers. Exactly. And that's where SEO comes in. Search Engine Optimization. It's like, okay, you've got a storefront, but if it's down some random alleyway, no one's going to find it. You want to be on the main street. You want to be the first thing people see. Exactly. So SEO is getting you that prime real estate. Yes. And then there's email marketing, building a relationship with your customers. Right. Because those are the people who are already interested. Exactly. So those are your people. And then you can tell them about new products, sales. Yeah. Keep them coming back. Exactly. So there's a lot of things that you can do yourself, but having an expert can really make a difference. So let's say someone's listening, they're like, okay, I'm convinced, but maybe I don't have the budget right now for an expert. Yeah. What's one thing they can really focus on themselves that will make a big impact? Product photography. Okay. That's huge. High quality images are crucial. Invest in good lighting. Learn some basic editing skills. So you don't need a fancy camera. You don't need all that. No. You can do a lot with your phone these days. Amazing. Good to know. Yeah. You can really shine. Awesome. Well, this has been so insightful and it's really got me thinking. Yeah. Shopify can be incredibly powerful, but it's those hidden challenges that can really trip people up. It's about having all the pieces in place, not just the store itself. So it's not just about launching. It's about thriving. Right? Exactly. It's about building a successful business that you love. And for all of you listening out there, it makes me think, you know, beyond the design, beyond the marketing, what's that one thing that's going to make your Shopify store stand out in a sea of online shops? What makes you unique? Exactly. What's your secret sauce? Think about that. Yeah. Something to ponder. All right. Thanks so much for joining us on this Shopify deep dive. Thank you for having me. And until next time, happy selling.

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