influence of social media slide 9
influence of social media slide 9
GAS is an app for high school students that allows them to answer polls and earn likes. However, there are concerns about the effects of popularity polls and privacy issues with adding friends without permission. LockIt is another popular app that lets friends send pictures that appear on your home screen, but there are privacy concerns and the app claims ownership of the pictures. Sunroom is a creator's platform that allows women to make money from sexualized content, but it poses risks such as exposure to explicit material and developing self-worth based on body image. GAS is the name of an app that polls people on pre-generated questions. It is geared toward high school students and was only available in 12 states as of April 2023. Students find their school on the app, add friends, and answer polls. They get flames for likes. There is no messaging within the app, but there are dangers on the effects this type of popularity poll can have on students. Also, you can add friends from your contact list without their permission, so there are privacy concerns. Another app that has become popular is LockIt. LockIt is a widget app. A photo widget is inserted into your home screen on your phone. Up to five friends can instantly send you pictures that will appear automatically on your home screen within the widget, which appears about four times larger than your other widgets. The app asks for access to your contacts, but claims it does not keep them, so there is a privacy concern. Also, your friend could send an inappropriate picture and it would appear on your home screen, so that could be embarrassing. One significant privacy concern, though, is that LockIt says in its terms and conditions that it owns the rights to all pictures. The last app I want to highlight is Sunroom. This app was developed by two women as a creator's platform to aid women and binaries in making money from their content. It has highly sexualized content and is providing a platform with less censorship. Some girls could get drawn into this app as they can make money from taking pictures of themselves. It has many risks, including selling or seeing pornographic material, developing a sense of self-worth based on body image, and exposure to sexual ideas that may not have crossed their minds before they were exposed to them in this app.