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Gen 100 final project voiceover

Gen 100 final project voiceover

Andy Newcomb



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AI advancements have the potential to be both beneficial and problematic for humanity. Good AI benefits the public without harming others, while bad AI is wasteful or serves no purpose. Examples include Elon Musk's Neuralink implant, which can enhance life but may create a divide between users and non-users. CRISPR, a gene-altering AI, has successfully treated genetic diseases and could eliminate them entirely. However, if these procedures are expensive, only the wealthy will benefit. Robot fans at a football game received mixed reviews, with some finding them creepy and others thinking they were cool. The neuromorphic supercomputer, capable of running like a human brain, has immense potential for various applications. The use of AI for advertising or profit without a good purpose is seen as a waste of resources. Overall, AI advancements have the potential to greatly benefit the world if used appropriately. I did my project on if AI advancements will become a problem or will become a benefit for humanity. There is no doubt that AI advancements are quickly progressing in big ways. The big question is will these advancements, made every day, eventually become a problem for society or the world as a whole? To answer this question we need to first identify the type of AI and the purpose of these advancements. First things first, we need a good definition of what's good AI and what's bad AI. Good AI would be anything that benefits the public without putting another group at jeopardy. Bad AI would be something that is a waste of material or doesn't serve a good purpose. Our first example is Elon Musk's Neuralink. This is an AI implant that started development in 2016. This AI device's purpose is to work as a life enhancer. After the device is implanted it will be able to do things like improve poor hearing and even mobility for people who are having trouble moving around and walking. He even stated on the Joe Rogan podcast this may be the bridge to allow non-verbal communication between Neuralink users, completely taking the need to talk out loud when addressing fellow Neuralink users away. I could see this specific feature being extremely beneficial or bad for the local community. On the good side, communication with others would be much easier and much more accessible. The bad side of this feature is how people with this AI may stop talking to other people who do not have the Neuralink. This would cause a bigger divide than we already have between the rich and the poor in this country. I would also say this is not very likely to be a possible scenario, especially if these AI devices are released at the high price that people are expecting. So minus the potential downside of the device being expensive outside of its product would definitely help the public. The next example of groundbreaking AI would be CRISPR or CRISPR. This is a gene-altering AI that targets rare genetic diseases. Its development began about 10 to 15 years ago and it began testing on humans earlier last year in New Zealand. It was used to treat a woman with high cholesterol condition. This treatment successfully and permanently lowered her cholesterol rate. This is an amazing invention that could work wonders for the general public if they can consistently and continuously have successful procedures. They have also been in development of CRISPR 3.0, which instead of just fixing people with altering harmful genes, they aim to completely remove the harmful genes and replace it with healthy and new ones. If this is possible, many diseases will become completely obsolete. This is without doubt beneficial to the public and in a big way. If this procedure ends up being extremely expensive, this could only benefit people who are in the upper class. By any account, though, this is one of the greatest AI inventions to date. Oh, wait, sorry. By any account, this is the best AI invention to date. With further development, this may be able to replace genes of more aggressive diseases. Not only is there a massive upside on their current product, but if this product continues to grow and advance, this could become one of the most beneficial medical inventions in the last 50 years. The next AI invention I'm going to talk about is the robot fans that were debuted earlier this year by the Los Angeles Chargers. At this game, two AI fans were put in the stands to promote the film, The Creative. The AI fans could be seen cheering along everyone else for big plays and enjoying the game. Although this may seem like a harmless PR gimmick, many fans were displeased and frankly creeped out by these robot fans, stating that they felt uncomfortable with the AI being in the stands, as a normal fan was. Although some fans are unhappy with the presence of these new spectators, some fans were actually delighted with the change and thought it was very cool. These AI creations have mixed reviews from fans. I think the grand scheme of things, I don't see this as being beneficial in any way. This is an example of AI creations being used for publicity and not for a foreseeable function, besides making money. The neuromorphic supercomputer is an invention out of West Sydney University. This is a machine currently in production as we speak. This will be the first computer capable of running on a scale of a human brain. This was built to emulate and intricate the human brain learning process. As stated in the article, the computer is boasting a staggering compatibility of handling an estimated 228 trillion synaptic operations per second. Synaptic operations per second refers to the speed on the level the computer can run at. The level is currently higher than any computer on the market or off the market. This took them around, this breakthrough holds the potential to propel our understandings of the brain and pave the way for the brain-scale computing applications in various domains, including sensing, biomedical research, robotics, space exploration, and large-scale AI applications. So in every definition, this computer will do wonderful things. And with this new computer's processing level, this will get more information at a higher speed rate. And this machine is not even completely produced, but it's expected to be finished soon. In most AI advancements, in all most AI advancements, it could be better. In my eyes, it really depends on the intended use of the device, and if the device replaces jobs, I can't really support AI taking jobs from humans. I also don't support things like the AI fans in the Chargers games. The use of AI in this way does not have a good purpose and feels like complete resources and money for the sole source of advertising and making money. This is a complete waste of resources and technology. If a company uses AI in this fashion, it is not for the good of the world or for the country, but for the sole purpose of turning a profit. I see AI advances as remarkable things for the world, and they will only become more advanced and do better the next time it's on.

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