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The devotional is titled "Is There a Church in Your House?" and focuses on the idea of meeting for worship, discipleship, and fellowship in one's home. It questions whether our family, neighbors, and friends can be a part of God's church if we gather together in our homes. The prayer asks for God's guidance in making our homes a meeting place for believers. Good morning, fellow disciples. Our devotional today is entitled, Is There a Church in Your House? Our passage on the Reflection is Philemon 1, verse 2, reading from the New Living Translation. And to Athia, our sister, and to Archippus, our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house. Is there a church that meets in your house? Is there a group of disciples of Christ that meet in your home? These could be just your family members, just neighbors, and or friends. The point is that they meet for worship, discipleship, and fellowship. Many of us have been cultured to go to a church building for these purposes. But in the early church, they met in houses. Are the members of your family, your neighbors, and your friends a part of God's church? How could you impact and change their lives if you met together in your home to worship God? Let us pray. Father God, I want to make my home a place where your church can meet. I want to worship you, fellowship with others, and to make disciples in my home. Use me and my home as a meeting place for fellow believers, I pray. Amen.