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Andrea Cassidy



nutrition meditation4


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The transcription is a guided meditation that emphasizes the connection between nutrition and spirituality. It encourages the listener to find a comfortable position, breathe deeply, and visualize a bright golden light filling their body. The meditation guides the listener to honor and nourish their physical form, expressing gratitude for the abundance of food and recognizing the journey from seed to plate. It highlights the importance of mindful eating and choosing foods that uplift and energize. The meditation concludes by envisioning the healing and nourishing effects of the food on the body. Overall, the meditation encourages the listener to prioritize their health and well-being through conscious food choices. Today, you embark on a journey of nourishment, not just for your body, but for your soul as well. As you delve into the depths of your being, explore your sacred connection between nutrition and the divine. Close your eyes and find a comfortable seated position, perhaps in the kitchen, allowing your spine to lengthen and your shoulders to relax. Take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling the air fill your lungs, and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension you may be holding onto. Take a moment to center yourself, bringing your awareness to the present moment. Feel the ground beneath you, supporting you, and the gentle rhythm of your breath. Visualize a bright golden light emanating from the center of your being, illuminating every cell of your body. Feel this light as yummy and delicious, expanding with each breath, filling you with warmth and vitality. In this moment, you recognize that your body is a divine container, a vessel through which you experience life's wonders. Just as you tend to your sacred spaces with care and reverence, like your home or a garden, so too must you honor and nourish your physical form. Send divine light up and down your column of light, up and down your physical body, your energetic body, your aura, which radiates just outside of you. Feel the warmth and clarity of this light. Become aware of your breath once more, allowing it to guide you deeper into relaxation. With each inhale, imagine drawing in pure life-giving energy. With each exhale, release any toxins or negativity that no longer serves you. Pause to express gratitude for the abundance that surrounds you, the earth's bounty that sustains you, the nourishing foods that provide you with sustenance, and the interconnected web of life that supports your existence. Take some time to reflect on the journey of food from seed to plate, acknowledging the hands that have labored and the elements that have contributed to its growth. As we partake in this sacred act of nourishment, let us do so with mindfulness and intention. Let each bite be a celebration of life, a communion with the divine within and without. Imagine yourself surrounded by a radiant aura of light, pulsating with vitality and vibrancy. Feel the nourishing energy of the universe flowing through you, replenishing and revitalizing every aspect of your being. In the stillness of this moment, affirm your commitment to honoring your body as a vessel of your divinity. Imagine yourself choosing foods that uplift and energize you, supporting your health and well-being on every level, realizing that foods you thought you once wanted may no longer appeal as they don't serve your divinity and light. Envision all of the beautiful and abundant choices you have when selecting and preparing your food. You feel grateful and perhaps moved to repeat in your mind the following. I now command that the foods I choose to eat are for my highest good and service to my body so I can move through my life with health, vitality and ease. The choices I make are nutritionally sound for my body and resonate in complete harmony of my highest vibration, which echoes and radiates divine light within and throughout my being. Now imagine a meal or snack in front of you. See the colors of the meal. As you take your first bite, imagine the energetic level of the food being eaten, the colors and nutrients being chewed, the food being digested, your body in its genius sending the nutrients where they need to go to help you function at your highest and best. The life force of the food you ingest is the amount of its strength of energy. Now imagine the food you have eaten today healing your cells, your DNA, your mitochondria, creating immunity, vibrant energy, healing radiant skin, hair and nails. You are beautiful light. Take a few more deep breaths, slowly returning to awareness of your physical body and the space around you. When you feel ready, gently open your eyes, awakening to a newfound ease of healthy eating. What was once hard to resist is now simply no longer even desired because your intention to be a clear channel of light is by far more important to you. Your body and soul are guiding you to your highest choice in nutrition. With this new clarity, your choices become simple. And so it is.

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