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Uncertain Freedom

Uncertain Freedom

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The speaker begins by praying for guidance and thanking God. They discuss the uncertainty they feel about the future, particularly as their children graduate and enter a new chapter of their lives. The speaker reflects on the bittersweet feeling of letting go and acknowledges that this is a time of transition for themselves as well. They emphasize the importance of having faith in God's plan and finding comfort in knowing that he will guide them. The speaker encourages listeners to trust in God and surrender their burdens to him, as he can provide relief and set them free from pain. They conclude by expressing gratitude for God's love and forgiveness. Father, I come before you. I lift up each and every person listening. I ask that you guide them, you open their ears, their hearts and their minds, Lord, that you may walk with them in this season. I want to give you thanks. I want to give you glory, because without you, none of this would be possible. And I praise you. And I thank you. In Jesus name. Amen. Hey there, it's Ana with God's Podcast. Today I'm going to talk about uncertainty. I sit here in a place that is so uncertain to my human eyes and heart, wondering what is next. I'm sure you too have felt this way, or maybe have experienced this in your life as well. New adventures of not exactly knowing what is the future for you. My twins graduated this past week. And as I am so proud, so happy, so honored to be chosen by God to be their mother, this chapter is closing. It is bittersweet, but their future is theirs. Their decisions, their mistakes, their triumphs, their failures, their lives are for them to explore. I can only help guide when asked, when needed, and try to be the best mother through Christ I can be. It brings so many emotions as I know God gave me purpose through them. They were my identity. They were what I lived for, gave up for. I put them before myself and my dreams. As I sit here, I realize this is not only their next chapter, but mine as well. For the mother I once was will not be needed in the same way. I will still be needed, but realize it is a time of letting go in a way so they can be who God has planned them to be. It is sad for me, but also so joyous at the same time to see God's plan unfold right before my eyes. You may be experiencing the same feelings in life, maybe not with your children, but maybe in a job, a relationship, a friendship, etc. There is more. God has more. I know it. I have so many chapters closing in my life right now. I feel so uncertain to what is next, and maybe you feel the same, but I find comfort in knowing God's plan is so much bigger, brighter, grander, even though I do not know what is next. My faith has never been stronger in knowing that my God has a plan. He will guide me. He will show me what's next because he tells us to lean on him, to give him our burdens, to lay it at his feet, for he wants it all. This got me thinking about when I actually gave birth to these beautiful children and how amazing of a gift it was to bear children, that God made us go through giving birth to children, the pain, the agony of what you feel with each contraction, with each intense pain that surges through your body, the hours and hours of labor you have to experience, and some have no relief of the drugs to ease any pain, but you as a woman grit down and bear through the pain, through every second, minute, hour to bring new life into this world, to hold the life that was forming inside of you, to love that child God gifted you with, to not even remember how awful that pain was, what you had to endure, not that you forget, but the pain subsides and you only realize the miracle God gave you, to have more children if you are gifted. Stop and really think about that for a second. God allowed you to bring life into the world, but you endured so much to have it. That is how amazing God is. He has equipped us to endure such agonizing pain, but get us through the pain, to not truly remember, but to see the beauty that came from it. Just like that we go through deep agonizing seasons of pain, but God, God gets you through to see the beauty, to rely on him. God is so amazing. Thank you, God. So whatever you may be going through, even though the pain seems so awful to endure, he will get you through and relieve you of that pain. Only God can do this. Only God can take the pain away. Only God can set you free from whatever it is that is agonizing you, just like he does with women giving birth. You remember, but you cannot relive the pain. God sets you free. And I bring that up because, like I said before, you may be in a season of uncertainty. You may be in a season where you're hurting. You may be in a season where you do not know what is next, but having faith in God and trusting God because his plan is so much bigger, so much brighter than our own. God will set you free. God will bring you to the next place. All you have to do is ask, surrender, and he will show you, he will lead you. He may even carry you if you need. Trust in God. Allow him to take you to the next place. Allow him to take away the pain. Allow him to set you free. God is so good. And when you see the goodness of God in everything, you will realize he's always been with you. He's always loved you. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and let God set you free from any agonizing pain, anything that you may be suffering from. He wants to take it away. Lord, I come before you and I ask that whatever season they may be in, whatever agonizing pain they may be in, whatever uncertainty they may be in, Lord, I ask you to walk with them, to carry them if they need, to get them through, to set them free, and take away any uncertainty, any pain, anything that they may be going through, Lord. I want to thank you and praise you because you are a God of goodness. You are a God of mercy, a God of grace. And without you, life would be difficult. This walk would be so unbearable. We would not be able to get through these agonizing pain births. We would not be able to get through without you. And for that, Lord, I praise you and I thank you for giving us unconditional love and forgiveness each and every day. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen. Grant me the courage, Lord, to change what I can. Wisdom to know the difference. In my weakness you can shine, Lord. In your strength I can fly. And you make everything, everything new. You make everything, everything new. You make everything, everything beautiful. In your time, in your time, it's beautiful. Grant me serenity, Lord, and patience, for things will take time. Grant me freedom to walk a new path and let me feel your love. In my weakness you can shine. In your strength I can fly. And you make everything, everything new. You make everything, everything new. You make everything, everything beautiful. In your time, in your time, it's beautiful.

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