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Letting Go

Letting Go

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The speaker begins with a prayer, asking God for understanding and wisdom. They discuss the concept of letting go of things that no longer serve us and how it relates to sin and our emotional attachments. They emphasize the importance of seeking answers in God's word and trusting in His plan. They also mention the role of science and the need to do our own research. The speaker shares personal examples of how God's word has provided guidance and encouragement in their life. They encourage listeners to trust in God and have faith, even when letting go is difficult. They highlight the importance of starting a relationship with God, reading His word, and allowing faith to guide us. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners of God's love, forgiveness, and the blessings that come from letting go and trusting in Him. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Father, I come before you today and I lift up each and every person listening. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord, so that they can get your word and understanding and wisdom from you, Father. Lord, I want to thank you. I want to praise you, and I want to glorify you, because, God, you are a God that deserves praise and glory, because without you, none of this would be possible. In Jesus' name, amen. Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast, and today I'm going to start in Jeremiah 17, verses 9-10. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I, the Lord, search the heart and examine the mind to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve. God makes it clear why we sin. It's a matter of our heart. Our hearts have been rebellious, sinful, and secretive from the moment we were born. And I bring this up because I was thinking about all the things that you have to let go of, things that no longer serve you in this life, and where God is taking you. Not everything is meant to go forward with you. Of course I have questions for you this episode, because I love questions. If you don't ask, you will never know. So I have these questions for you. Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to let go? How do you let go of things you love, things you believe are good for you? The things that you are emotionally attached to. That's exactly it. We are emotional humans. And of course God has an answer for you. In his word, Jeremiah 17, 9-10, it is easy to fall into the routine of forgetting and forsaking God. But it is our choice whether to continue in this sin. We can yield the temptation or we can ask God to help us resist temptation when it comes to this. This only goes to show how much God actually really loves us, that he has an answer for everything in this life. His word is a gift, a true gift to get us through this life, every step of the way. God's word is truth. God's word will give you all the answers you are searching for in this life. There are many people who believe science can answer everything you need to know in this life. But science literally comes back to God's word and truth. It always points to God's word. It is a product from God, not the truth, not the know-all. But science has to catch up with the Bible. It is not the Bible. And I'm not knocking science because science has brought many new cures in this lifetime. But what I am saying is you can't always trust science. You have to do the research for yourself. And when you go back to the Bible and you do that research, God gives you the answers. And I'm not saying that I always have the answer or the wisdom, but God does. God's word does. And he will reveal it to you and will give you exactly what you need when you need it. But you have to be willing to actually stop and listen to him. I say this because he will show up in perfect timing when you need him. It happens to me all the time. When you go through life and need him to show up, he always does in one way or another. I want to give you examples from my own life. When I need to hear from God to get words of encouragement, or even when I'm making a decision, or just whatever it is that I'm going through, I open the Bible app and the verse of the day says exactly what I may be going through, what I may be thinking, what I may need at that moment. Also, through people he puts in my life, through a conversation, a text, an encouraging word to remind me that what I am doing or going through is exactly where I'm supposed to be, or what I may be experiencing is exactly what God wants me to experience. God's word shows up exactly when you may need to hear from God, and sometimes that aligns with the things that may be taken out of your life. God knows that they no longer are serving you, no longer needed in your life, no longer are good or helping you move forward. Therefore, you cannot move forward with your emotions. You need to be able to move forward with faith in what God has planned for you, for God knows the plans for you, and they are never to harm you, but to prosper you. It may hurt. You may think, why? But God has the answers. He knows what's supposed to happen. Do you trust him? Are you willing to step out in faith and allow him to do his work in your life? Because letting go of something with your emotions is very difficult. It is hard because we have a heart that is big, that loves, and sometimes when those things are ripped out from your life and no longer part of your life, it is difficult to move forward, but you have to. The Bible explains this verse after verse after verse, and that thing that is no longer serving your life may be destructing the life and purpose that God has in you, so you need to trust him. Believing in the Lord and not leaning on your understanding, but his will get you through and allow you to move forward and to let go of the past that no longer is serving you, the past people that no longer are moving forward with you in this life. And that's exactly it. Sometimes the people no longer serve you because you are moving forward for God, and they will just keep you stagnant, stuck in the place that you are. Maybe it's the job. It no longer serves you to work at that place because you did what you needed to do. The lesson was learned. It was preparing you for the next step, preparing you to move forward. Sometimes that's exactly it. Sometimes each season of life that you may have to let go of is just that, a lesson, a test, an understanding, an ability to lean on God and trust him, not to harm you, not to hurt you. I know it hurts to let things go, but there are steps that you can take. First, start your relationship with the Lord. Ask him to reveal to you in prayer the reason of letting go. Second, open his book. He gives you all the answers. Read it, research it, study it, understand it. Next, allow your faith to take over. Jump off that cliff because what he is preparing you for is so much bigger and grander than what you had to let go of. What you may have had in the past no longer serves you to move forward because you have grown. You have learned that lesson. You have passed that test. And it sounds funny to say that God tests us, but sometimes he allows things to be tested in our life. Just like in Job, he never wanted to harm Job, but he allowed the devil to test Job to show the devil that he was his child, he was his to begin with, and that he would continue to follow God. So allow that to happen. Lean in on God, research God, learn about him, and have faith in him because he is going to get you through whatever it is that you have to let go of. And there's many things in life that we have to let go of that are so hard because our emotions take over. But don't allow those emotions to take over. Allow God to take over. Allow God to lead you because he is the answer. His words give you truth. He is above and beyond all things, even science. So trust in him, trust in the Lord, and allow him to get you through and let go, and you will see that whatever it is that you are letting go of, and the reason that you have to let go of, may be because you will see it down the line, where it prepared you, how it got you to the next level, what God is doing in your life. It's scary, I know, new things are scary. But I want to tell you, no matter what you think you are going through, if you lean on God, have trust in God, and have faith in him, you will see the grander picture and realize that it was just to prosper you, to prepare you for the next. Because sometimes God's gift and God's blessings are so much grander than we can even imagine. God has something for you. Let go of the past and let God do his work. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I hope you share it with someone in need, because we all need God every single day. Just like Jeremiah 17, 9-10 says, our hearts are sinful and deceitful. Allow God to move in your heart and work in you. You never know what someone may be going through, but God is the answer, and God can get them through. So share it with someone else. Share God's word. You can share the episode, or you can just talk about this episode, and maybe bring light to something that somebody may be going through. I want to thank you for coming and listening each week. I appreciate each one of you allowing me to share my love of God with you, and what God tells me to share. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and let go of the things that God wants you to let go of, so you can move forward and be prepared for the next. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Father, I just want to thank you. I want to thank you for giving me the wisdom and the understanding and the courage to share it with others. Father, I lift up each and every person listening, whatever season they may be in or going through, of having to let go, Lord. I ask that you are with them, that you guide them, that you lift them up and give them the wisdom and the understanding of why they need to let go of the past. Lord, I ask that you reveal to them so that they can move forward for the next and be prepared, that they may lean on you for your understanding and not their own. Father, I want to thank you. I want to glorify you. I want to give you praise, because God, you are a God of graciousness. You are merciful, and you give us a chance each and every day to be better than we were before. Father, you forgive us each and every day, because we are sinful, just like Jeremiah 17, 9 through 10 says. Our hearts are sinful, and we were born that way. But you allow us to try and keep trying until we get it right. So thank you, Lord. You're a gracious God, and I love you. And I pray all of this in Jesus' name, amen.

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