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How Many Chances Do You Need

How Many Chances Do You Need

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The speaker starts with a prayer, asking God to open the hearts and minds of the listeners. They then discuss the concept of repentance and how God gives us multiple chances to follow Him. The book of Revelations is mentioned as a reminder of the impending end times and the importance of being prepared. The speaker emphasizes the need to repent and surrender to God, highlighting the consequences of not doing so. They also mention that Revelations provides hope for believers, as God's promise of a paradise free from evil and suffering will prevail. The speaker encourages sharing this message with others and concludes with a prayer of gratitude and a request for God's guidance. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I come before you today, Father, and I lift up each and every person listening. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord, to get your word, your understanding, your wisdom. Father, I ask that you give them all that they need so that they can hear your word and repent and surrender to you. I pray this all in Jesus' name. Amen. Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast. Today I want to talk about revelations. I have been studying in the book of Revelations, and it has gotten me to think about all the chances that we have to repent, all the chances God gives us over and over to repent and follow Christ. In every single book of the Bible, it talks about how God gives chance after chance to all of us to follow Christ, to let him in our hearts. Just like it says in Revelations 3.20, here I am, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with me. God gives us a chance to open the door, to open our hearts to him. And that is where I want to begin today's podcast. How many chances do you need? I'm going to say it again. How many chances do you need for God to be the answer to your life? How many times will you not follow him? How many times do you think you will have before it is too late? Like I said, as I'm here studying in Revelations, and I am reminded that time will run out for us eventually. Time is going to run out. The Bible is full of chances, full of time and time again of God giving us a chance to repent and follow him. The whole Bible gives us the depiction of chance after chance for repentance and giving us time after time to repent and follow God. But Revelations explains this, once again, in this book, the very last book, the end of what God has given us. In the first part of Revelations, it explains what is going to happen. The trumpets will sound and guess what? God gives us a chance to repent from our evil earthly ways. God is a loving God who shows his people mercy, grace, and patience over and over. God warns and warns us. He is telling us all we need to know and explains to us what is exactly going to happen. The book of Revelations is the end of the Bible. It is the end of God's story, of God's blueprint, of God's map of telling us what is going to happen. Seriously, what more do you need for God to say? He gives it all to us in great detail. The only thing God does not give us is the day or the time, and that is why you need to be ready. That is why you need to surrender and repent your life to God. As you get further into Revelations, again, God gives us a chance to repent, and it clearly states how there will be those who are still so blinded and will not repent. After all the bowls of judgment are released of agony and unfathomable pain, there will be those who still do not repent. I cannot imagine how someone's heart, someone's soul would not turn to God after all of this, but it clearly says this in the book of Revelations. God gave the vision of the future to John to describe to us, and it is heartbreaking, brothers and sisters, saddening to realize that there will be people we may know that will not repent, loved ones who will not follow Christ. In Revelations 16.8, the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat, and they cursed the name of God who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him. The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done. Brothers and sisters, listen to what Revelations is saying. They still did not repent after God gave them the final chance. How can you not follow Jesus? How can you not open your hearts to him? Why would you want to suffer? Why would you want to go through agonizing pain? I couldn't imagine not following Christ and allowing him into my heart because he is with me each and every single day. He gives me a purpose. He gives me a reason to be better than I was before. He gives me forgiveness and mercy and grace each and every day. Listen, the book of Revelations is scary, but there is a silver lining. There is a hope to all believers who do repent and follow Christ. God's promise will prevail. God's promise will come to fruition, and we will no longer suffer, no longer live in a place filled with evil or destruction. We will live in a place where we will be free from Satan. Satan does not win. God wins. It is a fast, it is rapid because God is that powerful. As I go through Revelation, God reveals yet another chance with the second coming. If that is not enough to get us to repent and see what is going on all around us at that time, he gives us another chance before it is done, and there is no more chances. Are you going to be left behind to suffer in the abyss of fire with Satan to be tormented day and night forever? It sounds harsh, I know, but it is supposed to be. You are supposed to feel convicted, uncomfortable. Like what is this woman of God saying to you? Well, I'm saying, do you want to be left behind because your heart is so hardened you can't repent and follow Christ? Or are you going to take the steps to have a relationship with God and live by following Christ? God already gave you the first step to follow him and his kingdom. He sent his only son to die and resurrect for you. Now it is your turn to accept him in your heart and follow him. I am just a woman that grew up in a small town. I'm a nobody, but I am a vessel to be used while my time here on earth is. To bring as many as his sheep to him, to share that God is the way and through his son is the only answer. God loves you and is giving you a chance to follow him. Are you going to take it? Are you going to follow him? And is your heart and soul truly his? Or will you be left behind and left with Satan to live in suffering and agony forever, day and night? If this does not scare you, read Revelations and see all God tells us what will happen. God gives us the answer and they are very clear. It is scary to read, I know. It scared me the first time I read it. But Revelations is not scary when you know the truth. It is a book of hope for all believers, all who live in Christ and follow him. It shows God's unconditional love he has for us and how patient he is with us. God is so good. Let him show you how good he actually is. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I hope you share it with someone else in need because we all need God each and every day. Yes, Revelations is scary. But to those who are believers, those who follow Christ, those who have hope in Christ, his promise will prevail. His promise will come to fruition. Revelations is not supposed to be a scary book. It is supposed to be a book to make you open your eyes, open your heart to Christ and know that he is going to come. God does not lie. God does not give false accusations. But God is a God of truth. And he is going to come. And he is going to make his promise happen. And that is the hope of Revelation, that we will live in paradise. We will live with God where there is no more evil, no more destruction, no more sickness, no more disease. That is the hope. That is the purpose. So I ask you to share it with someone else so that we can save as many people and bring them to Christ. Because he is the way, he is the answer, and he will get you through. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word, and open your heart to Christ. Let him in. Follow him. Allow him to be a part of you. Father, I come before you and I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to share your word. Thank you for the opportunity to bring others to you. I know that I am just a vessel for you, Lord, and I ask you to continue to use me, to give me your words, to give me your guidance, to give me your wisdom. Father, I lift up each and every person listening. Whatever they may be going through, whatever their heart may be suffering with, I ask that you heal them, that you fill them with the Holy Spirit. Give them your peace, your love, and your joy. Father, I love you, I thank you, and I praise you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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