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cover of Forgiveness



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The speaker starts by praying to God, asking for guidance and protection. They talk about the importance of being mindful of what we listen to and watch, as it can have an impact on our spiritual well-being. The speaker emphasizes the need to forgive others, drawing from a Bible verse in Ephesians. They acknowledge that forgiveness is not easy, but it is necessary for our own freedom and happiness. The speaker encourages listeners to imitate Jesus and let go of anger and bitterness. They explain that God forgives us and gives us second chances, so we should extend the same grace to others. The speaker emphasizes the power of forgiveness in transforming our lives and bringing us closer to God. They encourage listeners to reflect on their actions and attitudes and to allow God's love and light to shine through them. The speaker concludes by urging listeners to forgive, let go, and let God, as forgiveness brings freedom and breaks the chains of darkness. They remind listeners that God lov Lord, I come before you today and I lift up each and every person listening, Lord. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord. I ask that they go back to your word and they get the wisdom, the understanding from you, Lord. Lord, I want to thank you. I want to glorify you. I want to praise you because without you, none of this would be possible. I pray all of this in Jesus' name. Amen. Hey there, it's Ana with God's Podcast. I really hope that you're having a wonderful week. I hope that it continues to be great and that you are blessed throughout this week. I want to let you know one thing. I put music on at the beginning of each podcast and at the end and I let the song play out. I list the artists below as well as the song that he is singing or she is singing. And I do that because what we put into our ears, what we put into our eyes, what we put into our mind, that affects us. We deal with spiritual warfare every single day and I know I may sound crazy and that a lot of people aren't aware of these things, but Satan is around us and he comes into our lives. We allow him access to us, especially when we listen to demonic things, watch demonic things or read demonic things. We open that door, that gate for Satan to come in, allowing him access to our hearts and our minds. So the reason why I put this music down there is so that you can share in the worship and praise of the Lord, that you can listen to music that actually is beautiful music. I know a lot of people say worship music is the same, but it's not true. There's country music, there's rap music, there's praise music. There's all sorts of things that you can listen to. There's even all sorts of movies you can watch that are Christian based, talking about God, real life stories that have happened, real life things that you can relate to in your everyday life. So I just wanted to put that out there and let you be aware that you need to safeguard your ears, your eyes, your minds, and your hearts from Satan. And by doing so, you will realize that there is a spiritual warfare out there and you need to be aware of it. And you need to pray about it each and every day and put on that armor of God each and every day so that God can fight with you against the things that we cannot see, the things that we have allowed to enter into our lives. That's not what I wanted to talk about today though. In this episode, I want to talk about forgiveness because as I was reading the Bible verse today, it reminded me that it is so hard for us to forgive and to be like Jesus and do exactly what this verse tells us to do. The Bible verse comes from Ephesians 5.1. It says, follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love. Just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fagrant offering and sacrifice to God. Just as that Bible verse describes, the Bible app explains that in Ephesians 5.1-2, Paul describes a unique kind of scent. Not one we can smell with our noses, but one that is evidence of a life lived in imitation of Christ. Therefore, be an imitator of God as beloved children and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. That is what we need to do. That is how we need to forgive, just like Christ. It is not an easy task, I know that, because I have a hard time each and every day to forgive those who wronged me, those who hurt me, those who have disappointed me. I get it. It's hard to forgive. But that is where freedom begins in forgiveness. If we can't forgive others that have hurt us or done us wrong, then we are going to be bound into a darkness that we can't get out of. We're going to allow that darkness to take over and anger and bitterness will creep in. And that cycle will continue and continue and spiral until you can't recognize who you are anymore because of all the bitterness, the anger, the aggression that you hold on to for not forgiving someone else. Think about this. God forgives us each and every day and gives us another chance to try each time that that sun rises. Think about this. If God didn't give us that second chance, where would we be? What type of punishment would we receive or should we receive for the sins that we commit each and every day? Because none of us are perfect. No one is ever going to be perfect because there's only one man that was and he died for us and we could never be like that. We could try and that makes God happy. If we try to imitate Jesus, if we try to be like him so others see the light of God shine through so that others can see that God is real, that God makes miracles happen, that God changes people's lives. If you live like Jesus and let that light shine through, your life will change. The reaction of people around you will change. It is a catastrophic domino effect you will have on everyone around you. They will want to be more like Jesus. They will want to learn more about Jesus. They will want what you have. They will see it in you and they will want it. So be that light, forgive, truly forgive, and I don't mean you say, yes, I forgive you and you still hold that grudge. That means you need to let go and let God because if you can't let go, what is the point in forgiving somebody? There isn't a point because you still hold on to that and that darkness is still attached to your heart and it will continue to keep growing. That little tiny seed that you have let linger there will grow and grow into black darkness and your heart will harden just like the Bible says about the Pharisees that he allowed to let their hearts harden. They would not soften their hearts and they continued to hold a grudge. They continued to try to reign over the people with evilness just like it said in the Bible and they will fail in the end and they will fall in the end and they will no longer have God or that light or that love or that peace or that calm. Just like in the Bible it states those kings and Pharisees that have let their hearts harden end up being conquered, end up in that darkness, end up with nothing whether it's death or a life they no longer have and all the riches and glories that they have. Do you want a life like that? Do you want to be stuck like that? Do you want that seed that is lingering in your heart, that little darkness that Satan has a hold of, of anger and bitterness to turn into this mighty giant blackness that's going to take over your life? Think about it. Do you want that? Do you want that to take over your life because it'll turn into something ugly? It'll make you turn into something you are not. You need to forgive. You need to let go and let God because if you don't you will turn into that ugliness, that evilness that you will not even recognize. And maybe you need to take a step back and think about those people that you are angry with that you're having a hard time forgiving. You need to look in the mirror and ask yourself, am I partly to blame? Am I part of the reason why that person hurt me? Because usually it's not a one-sided story. Usually it takes two people to cause conflict. So you need to look in the mirror, open your eyes, open your heart and allow God to show you if you are in the wrong. Allow God to show you what you need to forgive. Allow God in. He ultimately is the only one that can fix any problem that you are having. I know sometimes it's heavy. Sometimes it's hurtful. Actions, words, gestures, they are hurtful. People can really hurt you. But it's what you do with that hurt, what you allow in that hurt to affect you. So I'm going to say to you, consider your actions, consider your words and your attitudes today. Reflect on what you are emitting to others. How are you aligning your life, your love to imitate God today, to imitate Christ today? How is that love from Christ being transformed to others? How are you allowing God's light to shine through you today? Those are the questions you need to ask yourself. How can you forgive someone today? I challenge you to truly forgive, let go and let God. Because without God, we have nothing. Without allowing ourselves to let go and let God, we will just continue to build into that darkness, into the anger, into the bitterness until we don't recognize ourselves and we don't like ourselves and we are miserable and unhappy. With forgiveness comes freedom. Forgiveness unbreaks those chains that keep you bound. Forgiving just like Jesus will set you free. And who doesn't want freedom? Who doesn't want to be broken away from those chains, that darkness? I know I do. So be more like Jesus. Let go and let God. Forgive, truly forgive. Don't hold on to that tiny little seed. Don't allow it to grow in your heart and turn it to darkness. God loves you. God gave you a second chance. Give those around you that same chance God gave you and still gives you each and every day because none of us are perfect. None of us will ever be perfect, but we can try to be more like Jesus. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I hope you share it with someone in need, someone who needs to hear from God, someone who may need forgiveness or to forgive others. Sharing what God has to say and God's word could be a gift, a lifesaver to those around you. So please share it with someone else. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word and forgive those around you just like Jesus does each and every day for us. Lord, I come before you. I lift up each and every person listening, Lord. I ask you, whatever they may be going through, Lord, that you are with them, that you are carrying them, that you may be holding their hand or walking besides them. Whoever they need to forgive, Lord, I ask you to soften their heart, to allow them the ability to truly forgive, to let go and let you because Lord, we need to be set free from broken chains, from darkness, from all the evil that is going on in this world, Lord. I ask that you continue to work in their life, Lord, that you continue to be present, that they continue to come to you and that their relationship in you grows, Lord. I want to praise you, Lord. I want to thank you. I want to glorify you, Lord, because we all need you and this life we cannot do without you. I love you and I pray all of this in Jesus' name, Amen. We've all searched for the light of day and day and night. We've all found ourselves worn out from the same old fight. We've all wanted things we know just ain't right. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. There's a better life. If you really need it. If you really need it. If you can't beat it. You've got a good heart. You've got faith. Even when you think you can't. If you feel alone. Even when you think you can't. You've got freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom.

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