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Fear no more

Fear no more

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The speaker begins with a prayer, asking God to open the hearts and minds of those listening. She then discusses recent events in Florida, emphasizing the need for trust in God. She defines trust as reliance on someone or something, and mentions that the Bible mentions trust 193 times. She shares Bible verses about trust and explains her own journey of surrendering to God and finding peace. She encourages listeners to put their trust in God and shares her own experience of praying with confidence and peace. She challenges listeners to share this message with others who may be struggling with fear. She concludes with another prayer, expressing gratitude to God and asking for continued protection and help for those affected by hurricanes. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Father, I lift up each and every person listening. I ask that you open their ears, their hearts, and their minds, Lord, to take your word and your understanding, your wisdom, and get this sermon from you. Father, I want to thank you. I want to praise you and glorify you, and I pray all of this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Hey there, it's Anna with God's Podcast. With recent events that took place in Florida this week, I am sure everyone was worried and feared what would happen. Everyone was on high alert, watching, praying, reaching out to their loved ones, which leads me to God and trust in Him. What does this word actually mean? According to Google, it is reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person or thing, confidence, faith, belief, etc. In the Bible, trust is defined as a confident and sure security, or an action based on that security. It is the belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. And I want to ask, do you have a hard time trusting? Do you have a hard time putting your trust in people, plans, goals, dreams, relationships, etc.? I ask this question because the Bible mentions the word trust 193 times, and it comes from at least 20 different original words. The Hebrew word for trust is hamim, I may be slaughtering it, now I'm sorry, which is a verb that means to consider someone trustworthy or to trust. The word can also be translated as to believe or to have faith. God has put this word trust on my heart this week and has made me truly surrender to Him. In Proverbs 3 verses 5 through 6, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all your ways submit to Him and He will make your path straight. Philippians 4 verse 6, do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God. Romans 8 verse 28, and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. I read you these verses because like I said, He has put the word trust on my heart this week and God has been speaking to me through His word regarding trust and trust in Him. True trust in believing what you are praying for, what you are asking God for and His promises. With the recent events of the world, I have been putting my trust in the Lord. When I say that when I honestly prayed, I had a peace knowing that God was going to hear my prayers. It gave me a newfound surrender to God. It allowed me to trust Him fully knowing that He was going to answer my prayers and protect my loved ones. So when I prayed, I was not afraid, but had peace knowing that God's protection was around them and He would send His angels to protect and watch over them. This new surrender to God has given me a peace within my heart, my mind and soul. It has released a fear I once had, a fear like when you are not in control, a fear that you have no idea of what may happen, a fear that had a grip hold on me of losing those I loved and not being able to do anything about it. As I read God's word and truly grow my relationship, my love for God, He has guided me to let go of this fear, to surrender it to Him. And in doing so, God filled me with the Holy Spirit and gave me peace I had never had before. A peace knowing my God was in control, a peace knowing God was in total control, a peace knowing God hears my prayers and will answer them according to His will and His purpose. So when I prayed this week, with tears and fear, it was released with peace and confidence, knowing God would slow the winds, the waters before it hit land, and His people would be protected. I was sure of it and I felt it in my heart and soul. I knew God was listening and told me to do not fear, for I hear your cries, I hear your prayers and all shall be answered even more than you can imagine or ask. Just like Ephesians 3.20 says. Brothers and sisters, fear does not come from our Father. Fear is an attack from Satan who wants you stuck, wants you not close with our Father. And our Father wants you to put your trust in Him and His word for He does not lie nor change. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding for He will release your fear and fill you with His confidence and peace, just like the Bible verse says. So I challenge you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, to put your trust, your faith, your confidence in God and see what He does for you. He will give you a peace, a newfound surrender of not fearing, not having control, but He is in control. God will hear your prayers, He will hear your cries, for He knows your heart and He will answer according to His purpose and His will. So I ask you to share this episode with others, those that are in need of hearing God, those that are suffering from not being able to move forward and feel like they're stuck in fear. Share it with as many people as you possibly can because we all need to hear God. We all need Him each and every day for we all sin, we all fall, we all fail, but through God we can get up and start anew. So until next episode, keep bibling, keep spreading God's word and do not fear for God hears your prayers. Father, I come before you and I thank you. I thank you for the words, I thank you for the wisdom, the understanding and the ability to know that you are in control and I do not have to fear and neither do those who are listening, but you hear our cries, you hear our prayers and you will answer them according to your timing, your purpose and your will. God, I want to glorify you and thank you because without you, none of this would be possible and for that, I am so grateful. Lord, I thank you for also calming the winds, the waters and protecting your people. Father, I know that there's still a lot that needs to be cleaned up and I lift each and every person that has been affected by the hurricanes, by the tomatoes, whatever season that they are in, Lord, I ask that you carry them, you lift them up and they get the help that they need. Thank you. Thank you for listening to my prayers. Thank you for hearing our prayers. I pray all of this in Jesus' name, Amen.

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