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Their eyes are on your baby

Their eyes are on your baby

AMI Belgium_Pastor PerezAMI Belgium_Pastor Perez



Their eyes are on your baby 1 Kings 3:16-28

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God has a powerful word for you. The title of the message is "Their Eyes Are on Your Baby." This refers to something important that you carry, not a physical baby. God loves us and demonstrates this by giving. He has already planned and provided for us before we were even formed. We should give back to God to show our love for Him. The world may try to make us feel like what we have is not enough, but we should not be greedy. We should cherish and appreciate what God has given us. We are not here by mistake, but by divine appointment. We carry something special within us, and when we push through difficulties, we will see the manifestation of what God has planned for us. The enemy often attacks at night, but we have the power to overcome and be victorious. God has a word for you. Look at your neighbor and say, God has a word for me. Say it as you mean it. God has a word for me. God has a word for me. Well, the word that the Lord has for you today is powerful. Amen. And I believe as you are receiving this word that something will happen to your life. It will change the perspective of the youth standing in the Lord. Amen. Well, the title of the word that the Lord has given me today for you and I is that their eyes are on your baby. Wow. Their eyes are on your baby. I say this again, their eyes are on your baby. People have eyes on your baby. You carry something that people have eyes on. People have eyes on what you carry. The mere fact that you find yourself in battles, it is not in vain. It is because of the baby. The mere fact that some cannot sleep at night, they are vigil at night, it is because of your baby. Their eyes are not on your pocket, but their eyes are on your baby. Well, family here, I am not speaking about the baby that you call your husband's baby or your wife's baby. No, I am not speaking about it. I am speaking about something that is more than that. Amen. Are you with me? So do not confuse the title of my message and say, pastor will be speaking about my man. No, no, no, no, no. God will be speaking to you about something that is supernatural. Amen. Please have your seat. I want you and I to, I want to put you into context of this word. Because you have to be in the context of the word. If you are in the context of the word, you will understand what you have to carry out of this word. Are you with me? Look at your neighbor and say, be in the context of the word. Say it again, be in the context of the word. Be in the context of the word. 1 Kings, 1 Kings chapter 3, 1 Kings chapter 3 verse 16, we shall read until verse 28. We will do it quickly, but I want you to have the context. Are you with me? Amen. 1 Kings, it will be on the, on the screen now. 1 Kings chapter 3, we shall read from verse 16. Is it on the screen? Can we read? 2, 3, 1, let's read. Now, two women who were hollow came to the king and stood before him. And one woman said, oh my lord, this woman and I, in the same house, and I gave birth to her as she was in the house. Continue. Then it happened the third day after I gave birth, that this woman also gave birth, and we were together. No one was with us in the house. No one was with us in the house. We were together. Please analyze that in your Bible. Let's continue. And this woman's son died in the night because she lay on him. Continue. So she arose in the middle of the night. She arose when? In the middle of the night. In the middle of the night. I took my son from my side while he was my servant's sleep, and laid him in the bosom, and laid her dead child in my bosom. Continue. And when I arose in the morning to nurse my son, the boy was dead. But when I had examined him in the morning, indeed, he was not my son. Hallelujah. The eyes are on your baby. The eyes are on your baby. You see, the Lord loves us so much that God, to demonstrate his love, one of the things that he does is give. The Bible says that in the book of John that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whosoever believes in him does not perish but have everlasting life. Well, God demonstrates love by giving. Giving is one of the actions that each and every one of us has to use to demonstrate love. When you say to God, God, I love you, you have to understand that giving needs to be your purpose. Giving needs to be your custom. You cannot say that you love God when you do not give to God. You have to give to God when you want to show God that you love him. Because God, to show you that he loves you, he gave to you. He gave so that you can be free. Well, God gave to us. Since the beginning of time, God created us. He says, from before you were formed in the womb of your mother, I chose you. Well, God chose you not only when you were out of the womb of your mother. God chose you when you were before even formed in the womb of your mother. By then, God already provided for you. He already set what was for you to come. He already planned together what was for you. I declare and I decree, what God has planned for you, you will never miss. I say, you will never miss. In the name of Jesus. Because the Lord God we serve is a God who gives up. Is a God who knows. Is a God who sees up before you were formed up. Before everything was formed, God was. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. Oh, I'm speaking to somebody here. And I'm speaking to you and I'm saying to you, before even you had that idea of the business, God was. Oh, God set it for you to happen. God planned it for you to happen. God designed you already for it. Oh, before you had that idea of ministry, God was. He already planned it for you. You will not fail in that ministry. I say it again. You will not fail in that ministry. Oh, I do not know who am I speaking to. But I'm here to declare to you, you will not fail in the calling of God for you. What He says for you, surely will come to pass. Because He prepared it before you were formed. Oh, God is so good. He's so amazing that He knows you before even you were formed. You may look at yourself right now where you are. And you see in your body, you are seeing that your body is challenged. I'm here to invite you to say that you are not sick. But your body is challenged. Because the God who formed you, the God who knows you, already prepared healing for you. And the healing will be your portion. Oh, I don't know who am I speaking to. But I say healing will be your portion. So shall it be. It cannot be otherwise. Please have your seat. Well, God prepared it from the beginning. He gave. Each and every one of us, God has already given us something. The Bible speaks about these two women that were friends. They were friends. They were together. Because the Bible says the woman testified and said we were living together. Meaning if you and I can live together, we know each other better. You cannot live with somebody that you do not know. Far more than sleeping close to somebody you do not know. But you see, God in His lovingness and His love and His mercies gave to both children. You see, you do not have to look at what your neighbor has. Because you too, you have something that God has given you. But you see, the world that we live in, the system of the world that we live in, is about telling you that what you have is not enough. You must take also what the other one has. The lies of the enemy. Don't be greedy. Being greedy is not of God. Well, God gave. He gave a baby. What is a baby? You see, a baby here does not just mean a physical baby. But I'm taking you, a baby means something that you cherish. Something that is a part of you. Something that you carry with you. A baby, a woman carries a baby in her before bringing her on the world or in the world. A baby is whatsoever God already planned for you to become in this world. Because let me tell you, you are not here by mistake. I say this again, you are not here by mistake. You are here by divine appointment and divine rendezvous. I do not care where you find yourself. I do not know what is going in your life. But I know one thing for sure. That you are not in this world by mistake. God plans something for you. He plans for this woman to have babies. God plans for you to be pregnant. Some of you are still pregnant. You are about to give up. Don't give up. Because it is just about to push. Just push. Push a little bit. Whatsoever seems to be hard today, I tell you, when you push, you will have that baby in your hands. You will have that baby in your hands. It might be difficult. It might seem to be so impossible. But let me tell you, we serve a God of impossibility. What is impossible to men is possible to our God. The God we serve is the God of my father. The God of Aflukawu. The God of this altar. The God who speaks to us. The God who reveals to us. He is able. Look at your neighbor and say, God is able. God is able. Well, they have something because God gave you something from the beginning. You carry something in you. Some of you, you have already given birth to it. Some of you, they are still in you. But you have something. The Bible says that these two women, they were sleeping at night. At night. Behold, one of the baby of the woman died. You see, I want you to understand one thing here. There are two things, two words that I want you to understand. There are two words that you need to underline in your Bible. First, sleeping. The second word. The first word, sleeping. The second word I want you to underline is at night. Night. Sleeping. At night. You see, the Bible speaks in the book of, I'll go quickly, in the book of Matthew 13. The Lord Jesus Christ gives us parables of sower in the book of Matthew. And one of the parables in the book of Matthew, the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking about a person, a sower who wants to sow seed during the day. He sows good seed during the day. And the Bible says that while people were sleeping at night, another man came to sow a bad seed. Two words, sleeping at night. Let me tell you this, what the enemy plans for you, start at night. It starts at night. And when they cannot get you at night, they come during the day. But I speak in the name of Jesus, that whatsoever, that whosoever stand in judgment against you, they will be condemned in the name of Jesus. Whosoever dig a grave for you to fall in, I speak in the name of Jesus, that they will fall in it by themselves. You are a winner. I say you are a winner. You will not fail. At night. What is night? I want you to understand this so you may comprehend the seriosity of this. Night is the time of the day where light is restrained. It is the time of the day where the light cannot be seen. It is darkness. Night is also a time where people's conscience are not functioning because they are sleeping. Meaning they are not vigilant. Are you with me? At night, most of the time you will see that your body is weak. Your body gets more weaker at night than during the day. Are you with me? Night is a period of the day where you and I as children of God has to be awake. Jesus Christ spoke to his disciples and said to them on the night that he was betrayed. He called them, he said, follow me and let's go and pray. It was at night. As they were going to pray, Christ told them to stay here and pray. Do not sleep. Pray. And he went ahead and he prayed. But when he came back, the disciples were sleeping. And he says to them, why? You cannot even stand for an hour to pray. Many of us here, when it comes to night, what you need is your blanket. Oh, you already make plans that I want the purple one. You already make plans that your bed must be knitted together because you want a good sleep. Let me tell you, while you are sleeping and while you are enjoying your mattress, let me tell you, there is a witch that is preparing a broom for you. They are preparing a broom to fly to come to you. You see, it is said that we have eight hour watches prayer. Eight. The first one starts between six and nine. The second one starts between nine and twelve. These are the times, I'm telling you, where according to the scholars, time that we as children of God should take to pray. And must understand the meaning. Between nine and twelve, it is a time of intercession. It is a time where you intercede. It is a time where you do not sleep, you do not watch Netflix, you do not see a soapy. It is a time where you get prepared because the enemy is getting prepared for you. It is not a time to be casual, but it is a time to stand and intercede. Nine to twelve. Now, when you get to twelve to three a.m., it is the most demonic activity time that happens. Between twelve and three a.m., most of us here are snoring. You are dreaming you are in a Bahamas with your feet in the water. You wake up, you are still in your room. It was a dream. By that time, some of you are dreaming that you are already a billionaire. Riding into a private jet. And you wake up, hey, I'm still in my bed. But let me tell you this. As a child of God, what God has for you surely will come to you. What God has for you surely will come to you. But you need to understand one thing. You have to stand for it. Salvation is free. Blessing requires something. I'll say this again to you. Salvation is free. Blessing requires something. If blessing was so freely given, or if breakthroughs and financial blessings or any kind of blessing was freely given, let me tell you, many of us here, probably some of you will not be here. Are you with me? There is a reason that they say that in the world there is a certain number of billionaires. They say if you reach it, you enter the 3% of people in the world that make it. Why? Success is not casual. Success does not happen by accident. You do not succeed because you wake up and you bump yourself and say, hey, I'm succeeding. You do not go out of your bed and do your makeup blue and green and purple, mix all the colors, while you are looking at your mirrors and you say to yourself, I'm succeeding. Your makeup does not make you succeed. It can be a tool to make you connect to some destiny helpers, but does not make you succeed. Are you with me? Nobody succeeds by accident. Success is intentional. You have to be intentional to succeed. It is intentional. You do not just succeed, you succeed because you know you want to succeed and you know how to succeed. There are things that you need to do for you to succeed. One of the things, first, is to understand how to give. Understand how to give. The second thing I want to speak to you is you need to understand how to pray. You have to understand that in order for you to get something, you have to sacrifice something. In this world that you and I live, nothing is for free. Nothing is for free. Look at your neighbor and say, nothing is for free. Nothing is for free. Now, if they are sleeping, you know that we have a custom in this house, that if any one of you sleeps, they can bless them. You are allowed to bless them. Bless them with an holy clap. And when they wake up, tell them that the angel was here. They just missed it. Success is intentional. Are you with me? Success is intentional. Look at your neighbor and say, success is intentional. Say it again, success is intentional. Nobody just succeeds because they want to succeed. One thing is one thing. One thing is one thing. But if you do not connect your want to the action, you will be dreaming still. There is something that you need to do for you to succeed. Well, I pray today that the Lord God of Austin may give you the grace and the wisdom for you to do what you have to do for you to succeed. Because success is your potion. Success is your birthright. In the name of Jesus. I tell you again, this woman, two of them were sleeping at night, nighttime. Nighttime is not a time for you just to sleep. Nighttime is a time for you to be vigilant. Jesus Christ was sold, was betrayed at night with a kiss. With a kiss at night, Jesus was betrayed. Nighttime is for you to be vigilant. You have to be vigilant at night. Because at night is when all the witches and the wizards of your village and by the mothers and the fathers side get together to speak about your case. Now, while you are enjoying your mattresses, they are enjoying their planning. My father Aflokau always says that also, if I do not plan for success, plans for failure. Amen. If you cannot plan for your success, you are planning for your failure. Where do you want to see yourself? How do you want to see your family? Well, you have to do something. Wake up. Amen. Pray. Push. Understand that midnight is not just for you to sleep. When there is a Thursday prayer boost moment, be in it. Pray with us. Because while you are praying, God is doing something behind those. Amen. Nighttime. But you see, nighttime as well means darkness, means something else that I want you to understand. The devil, Lucifer, is called the prince of darkness. He's called the prince of darkness. But you see, darkness here in Hebrew, in Hebrew, I'm looking at people, people are speaking Hebrew now. Lord Jesus, I'll speak to you in Hebrew today, in Hebrew. But you know, in Hebrew, the word darkness, night, means something different. It means ignorance. Darkness has a degree. You see, Hebrew for one word can have multiple degrees and signification, which cannot be accommodated in English. While we, in English, one word means one thing, in Hebrew, one word has dimension. And one of the dimension of darkness in Hebrew is ignorance. That's why the enemy is called the prince of darkness. Because what the enemy, the devil, does for you, he plays with your ignorance. That's why my father always says that, whatsoever you know empowers you. What you do not know will kill you. Ignorance is one thing that the enemy plays with. He comes to have, he said to Eve, did God say that if you eat this, you will die? She said, yes. He said, no. God didn't say so. God knew, or God knows that if you eat it, you will be like him. But you see, Eve was ignorant because God already created her according to God's resemblance and God's image. Ignorance is a sickness. Ignorance is something that you have to run from. Because whatsoever you do not know will kill you. Search the word. Dwell in the word. Seek the word of God. Be acquainted with the word. Some of you here, when you come here on Sunday, you know where your Bible is. My Bible is here on Sunday. You know where it is. After here, you do not know where the Bible is. You start looking for it on Saturday evening, late hours, 10 o'clock. You get even angry with the people in the house. I left it here. I left it here. Because your Bible has no place to be. You are not acquainted to your Bible. I always say this. Whenever you buy a phone, the first thing that you need to install, the first application you need to install in your phone is the Bible. Amen. Before you install WhatsApp and Facebook and whatsoever you can call it, put the Bible. It will save your life. Night time. Night time. At night, the woman came, took the baby. The enemy is planning to steal what is yours at night. What God has placed in you is stealing it by night. Your health, the enemy is planning to steal it by night. When you are ignorant, when you are sleeping, when you are not vigilant, the enemy plans a coup against you. A plot against you. By night, the woman exchanged the baby. What you are carrying, the enemy wants to exchange it. But I am here to say to you. I am here to declare over your life. And I am here to say to that witch that is planning and plotting against you. It will not succeed against you. What is yours will remain yours. What is yours, nobody can take. If God has given it to you, nobody will take it. The enemy will not come against your family. The enemy will not come against your marriage. I say it again. The enemy will not come against your health. Oh, I do not know who am I speaking to. But I am speaking to somebody. Whatsoever they are planning in the darkness of, God will expose it during the day. I say it again. God will expose it during the day. Who am I speaking to? I receive it. Whatsoever they are planning against you during the night, God will expose it during the day. Make confusion hit the camp of the enemy. I say make confusion hit the camp of the enemy. At night, they are planning to take what is yours. At night, they are planning to take your business. At night, they are comploting to make you fall. They are comploting to break your marriage. At night, they are comploting to kill your child. But I am here to tell you that the night does not belong to the devil. Because the night was created by God. The night was created by God. You will reign by day. You will reign by night. I say it again. You will reign by day. You will reign by night. Because the book of Psalm 5 tells me that the favor of God surrounds you. The favor of God is not only before you. The favor of God is not only behind you. But the favor of God surrounds you. Oh, I see somebody surrounded by the favor of God. I see somebody surrounded by the favor of God. May the favor of God take you places that nobody can take you. I receive it. Amen. By night, she exchanged the baby. She took what was hers and placed it in the place of what was not hers. And she stole what was not hers. Your business is failing because somebody is compromising against it. I want to take it from you. May the fire of God. Fire. You have known that man for many years. Now, out of the blue. It's somebody that does not even know the struggle that you went through. The problem that you went through just appears. And makes you night nightmares. You cannot sleep any longer. Because that woman is a tyranny. She's doing all kind of things. Your husband will go for a week. Not come back home. I pray today. May the fire of God consume every work of the enemy. Fire. In the name of Jesus. So shall it be. It cannot be otherwise. What is yours, you will not lose. What is yours, you will not lose. Their eyes are on your baby. But they will not get it. I say their eyes are on your baby. But they will not get it. Because let me tell you. There is a judge. There is a judge. There is the one who sees when nobody sees. There is the one who stands when nobody stands. There is the one who does not sleep who slanders. His name is J-E-S-U-S. Jesus. Yes. The Bible says that the woman, the two, when you continue the story. The two of them went and saw the judge. And that time the judge was Solomon. And they say, here is the baby. But the woman says, this is my baby. The other one says, that is my baby. And Solomon in his wisdom says, bring me a soldier. Bring me a soldier. Oh, I'm saying this to somebody. Oh, I do not know who I'm speaking to. But I say this under the anointing of my Father. That there is a sword that is being drawn. There is a sword that is being drawn. That sword will separate those who are with God and those who are not with God. Oh, the Bible says there must be a difference with those who serve God and those who do not serve God. God will make a difference between you who serve God and those who do not serve God. I do not know who am I speaking to. But I say in the supernatural realm of God. That there is a sword, a sword, a sword that is being drawn for you. The sword of justice. The sword of justice. Thank you, Jesus. I do not hear you. I say, a sword of justice. Oh, thank you, Lord, I receive. You look for your battles. I say, you look for your battles. The Lord God is entering your battles. Whosoever has a battle, I am here with a good news. I am here with a good news. The Lord will enter your battle. He has a sword. A sword that will separate those who serve him and those who do not serve him. You cannot serve God and your life be stagnant. I say, no. You cannot serve God and be sick. I say, no. You cannot serve God and be broke. I say, no. You cannot serve God and be dismissed. I say, no. You cannot serve God and do not have a job. I say, no. May the Lord open a door that no man can open. May God close doors that are distracting you. In Jesus' name. In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Well, as we are standing, as we are closing this moment, before we go to the next part of our service, I want you to hear the second word. Please stand for this. The second word I wanted you to underline, for you to understand that when the enemy is coming to steal what is yours, it comes first by night. But the second thing I wanted you to understand is sleep. While you are sleeping. Sleeping is also a sign of the Bible, in the book of Proverbs, mentions sleeping as a sign of laziness. When you sleep, you are lazy. When you sleep too much, you are lazy. Well, I'm not saying here, don't sleep, because your body needs some rest. I have my doctor here who can say a word, and he will say, maybe, Pastor, what are you talking about? There's doctors in the house. My son is a doctor, and my daughter there is a doctor. We have doctors in the house. Well, sleep is good, but sleeping too much is not good. There are people who sleep until twelve. Hey, how do you get that strength? You go to bed at ten. Some of you go at nine. You go to bed, because you must sleep early. Yourself, you say, me, I must sleep early. So, you make your pajamas ready. You go to sleep at nine. Until tomorrow twelve, how do you do it? How do you do it? How can you stay under the blanket past seven? How? But you see, it's laziness. The enemy will get you with that. The book of Proverbs says, whosoever sleeps, poverty will enter. No wonder. No wonder. I will stop there. No wonder. Not because God has said, you don't have your blessing. Not because God says, it is not yours. No, because yourself, you are creating ceremonies. You are making ceremonies of poverty. You are making yourself acquainted to poverty. Lift up your right hand. Say, Lord, help me to have wisdom. Say, Lord, help me not to be lazy. Say it. Say, Lord, help me not to be lazy. In Jesus' name. Laziness must leave you. We are not Christians that believe that, you know what, you just pray. No, I'm just praying. I'm praying and manna will come from. Manna was then. Manna is no longer coming from the heaven. Manna was when, if you want manna, you must first go to Egypt and go to the desert. Then you will receive manna. If you want manna, go to Egypt, live in Egypt and come to the desert and you will receive manna. We are living a time where you need to understand that the Lord has empowered you with what you need. And you need to stand for what the Lord has called you for. I declare and I decree that you will be the next millionaire of your family. I say you will be the next millionaire of your family. You will not run from money. You will not run after money any longer. Money will run after you. I say money will run after you. Oh, I do not know who am I speaking. But I say in the spiritual realm that the heavens are open. That God is dropping His blessing in the life of somebody that you will mount up with wings like an eagle. You will go above that situation that is stopping you to produce. You are being more fruitful. I say you are being more fruitful. In the name of Jesus. Whatsoever limited people yesterday in your family will not limit you. Whatsoever limited adults in your family will not limit you. You will go higher. I say you are going higher. If you do this with me, let it be so. You are going higher. You are going higher. The bottom is too crowded. The bottom is too crowded. Your place is at the top. I say your place is at the top. Can I see somebody who has a place at the top? Can I see somebody with a place at the top? So shall it be. It cannot be otherwise. Well as we are praying now, because the Lord has spoken to us that their eyes are on your baby. The Lord also spoke to me and says we need to seal what is already there. Your gift need to be sealed. Your marriage need to be sealed. Your life need to be sealed. Your health need to be sealed. Your furnaces need to be sealed. But you see, there is one thing that seals everything and makes it last. You know what is it? Salt. When you have salt, a fisherman that goes fishing and has his fish in his hands, for him to make the fish last, he will pour salt on it. And the fish that was supposed to be spoiled in one day will last for few months. Back in the days in the book of Leviticus, when people were coming to offer, that offering in the temple of God, they will sprinkle salt on the offering. Are you with me? Do you know that there is a covenant that we call the covenant of salt? The covenant of kingship that God has with David, it's also called the covenant of salt. Why? Because God wanted it to last. Are you with me? Today I pray, as we go into this part, where we will minister with salt, I pray that what is yours lasts. I pray that your marriage lasts. I pray that your business grows and lasts. I pray that your health lasts. I pray that your God who serves may step in your case. In the name of Jesus. Lift up your hands in the heaven and start praying.

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