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Amber Gonzalez is doing a final project presentation on Ms. Marvel. She chose Ms. Marvel because she found the character intriguing and had already done comic assignments on her. She liked the Disney+ show and wanted to compare the comic and show versions. Amber's favorite issue was #12, where Ms. Marvel meets Loki. She found Kamala's humor relatable and enjoyed Amon Valani's portrayal of Ms. Marvel in the show. Overall, she believes Ms. Marvel is a great character for teenage girls as she embodies the message that anyone can be a superhero. Hi, my name is Amber Gonzalez, and I'm doing my final project presentation on Ms. Marvel. Um, I did most of the weekly comic assignments that were due for this class on Ms. Marvel, so I kind of already knew that I wanted to pick her. And also, ever since I watched the TV show on Disney+, for some reason, like, her character has always been interesting and intriguing to me, so I think that's why, um, I decided to pick her. Um, I've never done an audio presentation before, so I'm just going to say next slide whenever I'm looking at the next slide, so hopefully you can follow along, and I hope that's fine. Um, so, on the second slide, uh, why I chose Ms. Marvel. Um, she is different compared to other characters in the MCU, other characters in the DC Universe, whatever, that I've, that I personally have come across with. Um, and I don't know, I, there's something different about her character. I don't know if it's the youth or her powers, um, but again, like I said, she's just very intriguing to me. Um, the Disney+, show was probably one of my favorite Marvel shows that came out, um, on Disney+, and I really liked it, so I was especially excited when they announced that she was going to be in the Marvels. Um, I did like that movie, just for the record. Um, but I also wanted to see a difference between the comic and the show, so I wanted to be able to compare and contrast. Like, for example, she got her powers differently in the show versus the comic. Like, in the comic it was, um, some fog, and then in the show it's her bangle, but I'll go over that later. And then, I also liked Amon Velani's story. She's the, um, person who plays Ms. Marvel. Um, I just really liked how she kind of just was brought into the MCU. She was a fan, just like Ms. Marvel was a fan of the Avengers, she was a fan of the MCU. So, I just thought that story was, like, really cute. On the next slide is just, like, a general overview of Ms. Marvel, so, and what I gathered from reading the comics. So, Kamala Khan, who is Ms. Marvel, is a normal teenager in high school. But when fog comes over the city, she has a daydream about her favorite superheroes. They all just kind of started appearing, and then there was this, like, little scene where she was just kind of there with them. And it was kind of, like, her moment, because she's just, like, a fan, and she's always wanted to meet them. Um, so, the fog comes over the city, and she has a daydream, and then she wakes up and discovers that she has power. So, she kind of wakes up from the daydream, and she looks like this blonde character in the picture that I have up here. Um, nothing like how she looks in other pictures. Um, I thought it was interesting that they made her blonde in the first issue, but then the later issue, she was brunette. Um, I still don't really understand why they did that, but that was just one little thing that kind of caught me off guard. Um, her getting her powers is different from the TV show, from the comics to the TV show. Because in the comics, she just kind of had this dream, and then she woke up with a fog all around her. And then she had powers, and she changed, and like... But in the show, um, I think it was a bangle, and it was like a family heirloom, or it's her grandma's, or something like that. But, um, I just thought those origin stories of how she got her powers was interesting, because they were so different from each other. On the next slide, um, I thought I'd pick out, out of all the issues that I read, my favorite Ms. Marvel issue. I just thought it'd be fun to kind of talk about why I liked it. So, my favorite issue was issue number 12, and it was called Happy Valentine's Day. And I got really excited when I saw the cover, because it has Loki in it, and I love Loki as a character. Um, and I just thought it was really interesting that they chose to put Ms. Marvel and Loki in a comic together. And I was instantly excited, because I really wanted to see how their banter would work out, because he's very mischievous and, like, trickstery. And Kama was very young, and she's... I feel like she could match his banter. So, on the next slide, titled Ms. Marvel and Loki, um, I just kind of gave a summary of what happened in the comic. So, it started out with Loki, um, with Odin and his mom in Asgard. And they were kind of telling him, um, you have to go check this out on Earth, because this person called the Inventor is, like, traumatizing people or whatever. And the Inventor is the same, like, villain that Ms. Marvel has continuously been trying to stop. Um, and so he goes down to Earth, and then he's, like, walking the streets of New Jersey. And he runs into Bruno, who is Kamala's best friend. And Bruno's talking to someone about, um, the Valentine's Day dance, and he was thinking about asking Kamala to the dance. Um, and then Loki's telling him, you should give her a letter, like, it'll be good. And then Bruno's like, no, I'm not gonna do that. But Loki gives Kamala the letter anyway. And Kamala walks into the coffee shop, and she's, like, just talking to them, whatever, she leaves. And Loki, like, is interested in her, and is like, oh, this is the girl that Bruno's, like, you know, that he has a crush on, that wants to take to the dance, whatever. So, Loki ends up sending, um, a letter that's, like, gives off stalker-ish vibes. And Kamala and her best friend Nakia are at their home, and, uh, at her house, and they're going over the letter. And then, um... Sorry, I had to take a breath. And then, um, Nakia's like, this is really stalker-ish, and she's like, I know, I want to go. And then Kamala's like, I want to go to the party to figure out who sent this letter, because this is a weird letter. So, she goes to the party, and, um, she sees Loki, and she recognizes him from the cafe, so she confronts him. And then, Loki puts truth potion in the punch at the party, so all the kids are like, this causes a riot. And then, they end up getting into a little confrontation, Ms. Marvel and Loki. And then, Kamala somehow outsmarts Loki and uses the truth potion on him. And at the end of it, Loki just kind of has a little bit of respect for Kamala in a way, because... Or, sorry, I keep saying Kamala. In this scene, she's with Marvel. But, um, yeah, she kind of ends up with a little bit of, I guess... He's kind of impressed in a way, and he's kind of like, oh, I'll keep an eye on her or whatever. Like, she's kind of, she's good if she can outsmart me or, like, get one-up over me type of thing. So, yeah, after that, Loki just tells her to, like, cherish her friends, because they're the only ones that she'll have, or something like that. And then, he leaves. So, yeah, I thought it was a pretty cool comic, and it was the last one that I read as an assignment, I think. So, I think we ended, like, the weekly assignments on a good note, at least for me. So, on the next slide, I put up a quote from the first issue. And one of my favorite things about Kamala is her sense of humor and relatableness because of her youth. And this was a quote that happened when she asked her parents to go to a party, and they told her no. And the quote is, it's just one party. It's not like I'm asking permission to snort cocaine. And when I was reading this comic, it kind of caught me off guard, but then I kind of laughed out loud because it's such a Kamala thing to say. I don't know. I just thought it was really funny and interesting. And I just like this part of her sense of humor because, as a teenager, like, what you thought to your parents when they told you no to go to a party is what she actually said out loud. And I just, I don't know. I think her sense of humor is really funny. On the next slide, titled Disney Plus Show. I was first introduced to Ms. Marvel from the show, and I think that the show, I generally think that the show reflects the comics and especially Kamala's personality really well. And I also think that Amon Valani is a really amazing Ms. Marvel. I think that she embodies her really well. So I think that's one of the reasons why I like the show a lot as well. And I also think that her appearance in the Marvels brought a fresh take to superheroes. Like, she was just kind of there. Most of the jokes were hers. It was just, she brought, it was like a breath of fresh air, in my opinion, watching the Marvels with her in it. On the summary slide, the next slide. Overall, I just think that she's a great character, especially for teenage girls to see, because I think her character really embodies the fact and the message that anyone can be a superhero. Like, she was a fan of the Avengers, and she got powers, and now she's kind of in their league and meeting them. Like, another comic, another issue that I read of Ms. Marvel was one of her and Wolverine, I believe. So, yeah, I just think it's really cool that she kind of just embodies the fact that anyone can be a superhero, and I also think it's really inspiring. So, yeah, this is the end of my presentation. Thank you.

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