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Emotional Intelligence audio




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The speaker is addressing challenges and issues within the organization, specifically low morale among leaders and its impact on teamwork. They propose three solutions: authentically listening to employees using technology tools, prioritizing employee engagement and well-being, and fostering camaraderie through team-building activities. These solutions aim to increase morale, collaboration, and overall job performance. Hi, everyone. I wanted to hold this meeting today to discuss some challenges and issues that we have been facing as a team in our organization. I wanted to just touch upon how it seems that our leader morale has been low lately and it's been affecting how we work together as a team. I wanted to discuss throughout this presentation different ways to motivate each other and different solutions on how we can take action and work more cohesively together by raising our emotional intelligence. This will make a better work environment for everyone. We will motivate each other. We will celebrate our successes. But first, I really want to dive into how we can collaborate on a better level together. First, I just wanted to discuss the problems that I've been noticing. Like I said, I've noticed a low leadership morale that has been affecting the entire staff throughout the organization and how we complete our organizational goals. This has been noticed over a span of six months. I know we have been so busy throughout the organization, and that's why I waited until now to finally have this meeting. I've noticed a frequent transfer to different departments from different members. I've seen people struggling in leadership positions. There has been a lack of engagement and initiative, especially during meetings. Members seem to be very disengaged and there is a low participation rate. It seems a lot of our members are not sure who to look up to right now for inspiration and who to go for. And this can seriously lead to some distrust, which is why we may not be working as well as we were once working together. I've noticed frequent conflicts between leaders and or leaders and team members, which has been creating a hostile work environment. So how can these factors impact us? So a frequent transfer in different departments can decrease our team's stability. This can also increase recruitment and training costs. So a lack of engagement and initiative as well, like I said, leads to a loss of morale. Staff is unsure who to go to. There is a decrease in trust amongst leaders and frequent conflicts between leaders and or the team members. This can decrease team collaboration significantly. You know, when you are conflicting or having conflicts with different team members, your productivity or quality of work may not be as good as it should be, which I have been noticing. And this can also lead to an increased stress and burnout rate. When you're stressed and burned out, your quality of work is not going to be good and you're not going to be collaborating as well as you want to be with your team. So I did research three different proposals that we as an organization can work on together to actively work harder together and increase our emotional intelligence by, you know, working towards our morale, becoming the most exceptional leaders that we are. So the first proposal that I researched was how, as leaders, we can authentically listen to one another. So during the Harvard Business Review, a recent article discussed how authentically listening to employees can aid in the success of boosting morale. So taking the information from our employees and colleagues and showing that we are taking that and understanding what they're telling us and then working with it is important and it shows that we are actively listening with them. I've actually noticed some new technology tools that can empower our managers in our leadership roles to perform pulse surveys to reveal, you know, different opportunities to address specific needs. This can heighten communication and collaborate to solve any of these shared challenges that we may all have together. And I would like to do these on a regular basis if that's something everyone can agree on doing. Actually, a pretty important example that I was reading throughout this review. So crowdsourcing technology is leveraging the use of AI so our leaders can read employees' comments, which then can be organized to reveal both the challenges and the successes that our organization is facing. And I think this is really important because it can take the two and we can realize, okay, so this is what we're doing great at. You know, we don't have to really focus on that since we're already succeeding in that section. And then we can see the challenges that we are having and then focus on those and dive into those. My second proposal that I was researching and touching on was to make employee engagement and well-being a priority. I think this is very important, especially when you are collaborating and working together as a team and for stress and burnout rates as well. So actually, Kingston University completed a literature review discussing how employee engagement showed how it defines a relationship between a manager and an employee. And employees who are emotionally happy and fully engaged at work do feel more positive about the organization that they are employed to. And that's really something that is important to me. I want all of our employees, managers, just staff members, everyone as a whole, to feel that they are happy in the role that they're in and they're happy by the people they are employed by. I also think this will give an opportunity for advancement. If our employees are feeling happy and working well together, I think that this will help them be able to advance in their positions. This will also give commitment to employees, to their employers, as in we as leaders, to our staff members. This will also give exposure to senior staff, support from other staff, addressing issues as they arise. That's another important factor that I want to touch on as well. And of course, giving our employees praise when it is due, of course. My third proposal that I wanted to touch upon is fostering camaraderie for our team. So actually, a research at Stanford found that when employees were told that they were working together on a task, they actually worked longer, harder, and solved more problems correctly. And I actually linked this article right here if you guys wanted to check it out after as well. So I think there's a difference between telling people in your group that you are working on a task together and the action of actually doing the task together. So if each person is doing a different section of the task, they're not actually working together and collaborating. I would like team members to more so collaborate fully on their assignments and on their presentations, and I think that will really help boost our morale and it would really help everyone cohesively work together. In this Stanford review, it proved that recall had improved. People felt less tired when they were working together, and staff members were asking more questions and received more help from their peers, which is exactly what I would like in our leadership department. So as team leaders, how can we increase our morale, right? So I have solution plans that I came across and I wanted to discuss with everyone and I would love to hear feedback on these. So the first solution plan is active listening. So increasing the amount of time for discussion at leadership meetings is very important. This will allow for our employees to fully participate in discussing their challenges they are facing throughout the organization. So this can be weekly or biweekly or even once a month, twice a month, whatever we have time for, whenever everyone can agree on. I think this is important and maybe we can allot about an hour for each meeting, depending on everything that we have to talk about. During my time researching, discussing emotional intelligence, I came across this Johari window, and I think this is a really nice format to understand people in our teams, you know, what they know to themselves, what people know of them and what they don't know of themselves. And I think this can be important and crucial that we go over during one of our meetings. I think using this will help our leaders understand the blind spots and better understand them. I also think that team building activities in or outside of the office will also help collaborating our team. And you know, this can be going for a hike or doing an activity outside of work. Or we can also think of different activities to do inside the office as well. My second solution plan is engagement and the well being of all of our employees. So I think a wellness program would be really crucial to our organization. I think that our mental well being and physical well being does reflect the work we do. So for this, I'm thinking of focusing on a physical, mental and emotional well being sessions. And this can include yoga, counseling, mindful workshops, I was also thinking if anyone's interested, signing up for five k's as a team, you know, I think when our psychological well being is well, that our work engagement is even better, leading to a better job performance. So for our third and final solution plan, I wanted to touch upon camaraderie. I think that establishing a volunteer day with our leadership team, in which our employees work toward a common oriented goal would be really good in fostering those skills to hone in on collaborating together. And I think these would really help with working together on our projects and boosting our morale all together as a team. I think investing in team building workshops and retreat for all of our departments as well, will give the same, will give the same effects as working for like a volunteer day, or working towards the same oriented goal outside our common work that we do in the organization, doing work outside the organization, more so fun related activity will really help foster those skills. I think rewarding teams as opposed to individuals as well, is important. Let's just emphasize more of teamwork, more so individuality of working on your own projects. I think that, you know, the focus of this section of our solution would be really honing in on working together. I'm sure many of you are wondering, how can we measure the outcomes of this? Like, how do we know that we are going to be working better together? Like, how can we measure this? So I came across this application called Culture Monkey. And through this, it is a colleague engagement survey. It's entirely anonymous. So if you don't want to say your name, and you want to be anonymous, or you can add your name entirely up to you, this application will analyze the results to manipulate each challenge facing our organization. I think that I would like to do these surveys maybe every three months. And again, we can discuss this after the meeting, what we think, maybe every two months, or even every six months, I'm open to it, whatever you are all thinking. I think this will really help our leaders to be able to see their strengths and weaknesses within the platform. I know there was a section where it divides everything into different categories, which is nice, we can like touch base on each category, as the analysis comes out on the app application. And every survey is conducted, the results are shown, I would like to hold a meeting to have an open discussion with our leadership staff. So if we do it every three months, then I would like to have a meeting, you know, maybe on the last day of that month, or on the last day of that three month mark, I think that'd be beneficial, we can all discuss. And hopefully, once we are doing this, you know, within a year, we're going to see awesome remarks and comments, because these don't always have to be challenges. This can be uplifting, this can be motivating for other employees. I think this would be really nice to hone in on as well. My main goal for holding this meeting and presentation was to really define the clear objectives and possible outcomes for our organization dealing with our decrease in morale, how we can collaborate and work harder together, different ways to foster emotional intelligence, to increase our morale, to increase productivity in our work. I think communicating frequently with one another is really important to discuss all of our challenges and everything that, you know, different solutions like I touched upon of how we can work harder together and how these solutions can really create good outcomes. Providing support for one another is really crucial. You know, going to one another and having that trust is really important that we can strengthen on that and not feel like we don't trust our leaders. Creating employee involvement opportunities was something I really wanted to discuss. Like I said, the team building activities, working on projects or volunteer projects outside of work, I think those will really hone in on our skills of collaborating effectively together to increase work productivity. And of course, providing support, motivating one another, and celebrating our successes, because we as an organization do have a lot of successes. I want to thank everyone for being here today and listening to this presentation, and I really hope that this resonated with everyone to understand what challenges we are facing and how we can really come above this, boost our morale, work on our emotional intelligence collaboratively together as a team. If anyone has questions or concerns, we will be holding an hour info session after this, and I'm also available by email. Thank you.

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