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Job application

Job application

Alex Trifan



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The person apologizes for a previous recording and expresses their interest in a position. They introduce themselves as Alex, a 34-year-old living in Romania. They have been working in customer service since 2018 and have a passion for helping people and finding solutions. They gained skills in communication, problem-solving, and patience while working for a German telecommunication company. Currently, they work part-time for an energy company and are looking for more challenges. They describe themselves as hard-working and competitive, constantly learning and improving skills. They express interest in an interview and working together in the future. Hey, I'm sorry about the recording last night, I realized it wasn't a proper recording as I wanted to make, and yeah, it's really been a long day, and in this recording I want to show you my interest about this position and tell you more about myself. And yeah, I'm Alex, I'm 34 years old, and I live together with my family in Romania. I started working in the customer service department in 2018, six years ago, right after high school, because I've always had the passion to help people around me and find solutions to the problems, problems of customers, businesses, help businesses grow, and yeah, I just followed my passion. And here I am today, I started, I first started my job in 2018, when I was working for a German company, a German telecommunication company, and there I started my, I was learning my foundation, my communication skills, problem-solving skills, patience, and everything like that, and after six years, yeah, it's really improved, really improved my skills a lot. And yeah, right now I'm working for an energy company, and I work as a part-time, because over the past few years, the things here haven't been that competitive, and I'm always looking for more challenges and tasks and more things to do, and sadly it's not the case anymore, so at this second job I'm working as a part-time, and that's not going to be a problem for this position I'm applying right now, because at different time, I suppose. And yeah, about myself, well, I like to train every day, I'm a very hard-working and competitive person, and yeah, I spend most of my time learning and improving my skills, such as communication skills, copywriting skills. When I have time, I learn more about crypto, and yeah, I always like to find things to do and to educate myself and to improve every single day, and yeah, that's pretty much it. And if you're interested, let me know through a message, and yeah, I'm more than happy to see you on an interview and to get to know you better, and to possibly work with you in the near future. Thanks, thanks very much.

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