Art Williams
Art Williams
The main idea is that winners take action and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Many people in America almost do enough to win, but they never fully commit. To become successful, you have to actually do it and keep doing it until you reach your goal. Winners are proud of their achievements and make a difference in their lives. What's the primary difference between winners and losers? The winners do it. Folks, I want you to know almost everybody in America almost does enough to win. They almost get there. They almost drove on the hump. They almost have it going. They almost did everything they do. Almost is a way of life to almost everybody in America. If you want to become somebody, do it. If you want to go and finish for yourself, do it. If you want to become financially independent, do it. The winners do whatever it takes to get the job done. They do it and do it and do it and do it until the job gets done. And then they talk about how great it is to finally have achieved something you need and how glad they are that they didn't quit like everybody else and how wonderful it is to finally be somebody they're proud of. And make a difference with their lives.