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In the information, Alex Pina auditions for a book called "12 Habits of Valuable Employees." The book discusses how many employees think they are valued by their company, but the company may have a different perspective. Bridging this perceived gap is important for career progression. Before applying the 12 habits in the book, it is helpful to understand why the value gap exists and how to overcome it. Alex Pina auditioned for 12 Habits of Valuable Employees. The road to adequacy would detour you from realizing your true potential. Most team members and leaders think they're reasonably valued to their company. They see themselves on the path to better pay, promotion, and trip up the leadership ladder. Their companies, on the other hand, may think differently. Closing this perceived gap will determine how far and fast you're able to progress in your career. To use the Olympic analogy, that's the difference between merely running a race and standing on the podium. Before you begin to apply the 12 Habits we discuss in this book, it's helpful to understand why there is this perceived value gap in the first place and how to bridge it.