Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is talking about being alone during a break and not knowing what to do. They mention that they don't have many social excuses, but they enjoy painting for themselves. They also mention that they are currently studying in high school and would like to work as a lawyer in the future. They talk about their love for football and how it helps them relax. They mention that they are willing to help their friend in any way they can, whether it's by giving them food or support. Ezaldi bakar batean? Ezaldi bakar batean ez dakit, baina nik langile eskusa bat leta sozial gehiago ez dut nago, bota pintatzen dudelako inerako bertsonen gano. Eta nola ikusten duzu zeure gaurua bosturte barru? Ni horrain letas miktas batxillerdoan nago eta bosturteren barruan abokatu gisa lan egitea gusatuko letxea irakaslea. Eta nire esan nahi dut futbola askotatzen zahira lako. Honek ebati laguntza gusatuko letxea irakaslea. Hau da, roka ematen, janari ematen, nire ematen. Edo bada laguntza.