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Stella from Dream Home Realtors assists Donna in getting information about a property at 44 Chatswood Avenue in Chatswood. The property is a stunning Federation-style family home with five bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one car space. It sits on a 686 square meter lot and will be auctioned on June 29, 2024, at 2pm. Stella also provides information about the schools in the area, including Roseville Public School and Willoughby Girls High School. Donna books an inspection for June 12th at 12pm and receives a confirmation text. Hey, it's Stella from Dream Home Realtors. How can I help you? Hi Stella, I would like to have some information about a property I saw. Absolutely, I'd be happy to help with that. Could you tell me your name please? And then if you could give me the specific address of the property you're interested in, that would be fantastic. So my name is Donna, D-O-N-N-A, and I'm interested in a property at 44 Chatswood Avenue in Chatswood. Donna, the property at 44 Chatswood Avenue, Chatswood, is a stunning full brick Federation-style family home with five bedrooms, two bathrooms and one car space. It sits on a 686 square meter lot and is up for auction on Saturday, the 29th of June 2024 at 2pm. The house features spacious living areas. It's also conveniently located in a park... Yes, but I would like to know about this... Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to know about the schools that are around this house. Can you tell me more about it? Of course, no worries at all. The property is in the catchment area for Roseville Public School and Willoughby Girls High School. Both schools have a good reputation and should provide excellent education options if you have school-age children. Would you like to know more about these schools or any other amenities in the area? I would like to book an inspection to see the property. What are the available times for inspections? Sure thing, Donna. Here are the available times for inspections. Saturday, the 8th of June from 12pm to 12.30pm. Wednesday, the 12th of June from 12pm to 12.30pm. Which one would work best for you? The second one. Great choice. So Wednesday, the 12th of June from 12pm to 12.30pm. Could you please provide me with your phone number? I will send you a confirmation text. So it's 0493298949. Alright, let me confirm that. 0493298949. Is that correct? Yeah, that's correct. All sorted. The inspection for the property at 44 Chatswood Avenue, Chatswood on Wednesday, the 12th of June at 12pm has been booked for you, Donna. You'll receive a confirmation text shortly. Do you have any more questions or need assistance with anything else? No, that's it. Thank you. See you. Bye. Thanks for reaching out to Dream Home Realtors. It was great assisting you. Have a wonderful day.