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In Saudi Arabia, the influence of Muslim faith is strong, leading to a society with high power distance and uncertainty avoidance. This means that there is a strong acceptance of hierarchical power structures and a low tolerance for ambiguity. Leaders have a lot of authority and strict rules are in place to manage uncertainties. Overall, this creates a society where authority figures have a lot of power and rules are strictly enforced to reduce unpredictability. In Saudi Arabia, as in many other Arab nations, the influence of Muslim faith is profound. Reflecting in their great half-spirit dimensions, the dimensions of power, distance, PDI, and uncertainty avoidance, UAI, are notably high. These core significances signify a societal acceptance of significant hierarchical power structures and a low tolerance of ambiguity or uncertainty. This creates an environment where leaders wield immense authority and strict rules and regulations are in place to manage uncertainties effectively. The combination of these dimensions portrays a society where authority figures hold substantial power and rules are strictly enforced to minimize unpredictability.