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cover of null is tired of you trying to find secrets
null is tired of you trying to find secrets

null is tired of you trying to find secrets

Ahmad 3seri66



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The speaker is expressing frustration towards someone who has found them again. They advise the person to get a life and spend time with their family instead of continuously playing a game. They believe that playing the game is a waste of time and urge the person to do something else with their life. Oh, Jeebus. You found me again. Um, you know, uh... Now you should really, uh, you know, get a life. Spend some time with your family. Um, just do anything else other than just play this. I mean, this is kind of like a, you know, a massive waste of your time. Like, I don't know why anyone would play this for this long. Like, I don't... Oh, just do something else. Just... Just do something else with your life. Please. Please.

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