The audio titled "Unusual Response" begins with a sudden, heavy thud that reverberates through the space. It catches you off guard as it seems to echo from all directions, bringing about a sense of sudden mystery. Following the thud, there’s a pause, a momentary silence that hangs in the air like a thick fog, before the feedback kicks in. The feedback is unanticipated, it's a relentless, high-pitched whining sound. It's persistent and grating, ebbing and flowing in waves, invoking a sense of disarray. It's as if the sound is reflecting off unseen walls, creating an aural labyrinth, from which there seems to be no escape. Then, there's chaos. Sounds clash and collide, overlapping with each other in an almost discordant symphony. There are low rumbles, high-pitched squeals, and mid-range frequencies all battling for dominance. It's a cacophony that somehow manages to be harmon