The audio titled "Unlocked Balcony Entrance" begins with the distant sound of a bustling neighborhood that gradually grows louder, revealing the listener's proximity to a house. The faint rustling of leaves create an eerie atmosphere, hinting at the untouched nature of the place. Suddenly, a creaky, metallic sound pierces the quietude, suggesting the unlocking of a door. The groaning hinges add to the creepy ambience, increasing the suspense. The door appears to be heavy, its reluctant movement producing an ominous echo. Following this, the sound of footsteps on wooden planks can be heard. The steps are cautious, creating a rhythm that enriches the atmosphere with suspense. There is a sense of uncertainty, as if the listener is entering an unknown territory. The sound of wind follows, rustling through the curtains and causing a slight clatter of objects on a table nearby, possibly indicating the presence of an open balcony. The audio concludes with a chilling breeze that wh