The audio starts with an atmospheric abstract sound that echoes in the distance, creating an ethereal yet slightly unnerving mood. Suddenly, there's a whooshing sound, as if something is swiftly moving past. It's quickly followed by a glitchy noise that distorts the audio, adding a layer of unpredictability to the soundscape. The intensity of the track then increases as it hits a powerful impact noise, reminiscent of a transformer. This noise gradually morphs, adding a sci-fi element to the audio. The transformation is dramatic, shifting the tone of the piece and adding a sense of anticipation. As the transformation sound effect continues, the noise fluctuates between different volumes and pitches, creating an effect that is both captivating and disorientating at the same time. The audio ends leaving a lasting impression, with the transformation sound effect lingering, creating a powerful soundscape that is atmospheric, abstract, and filled with a variety of different elements.