The audio titled "Stages in English" unfolds in a leisurely and mellow manner. It begins with the faint and distant sound of footsteps echoing in the background, gradually growing more distinct. The footsteps are slow and unhurried, creating an atmosphere of dramatic suspense. The rhythmic pace of the footsteps is intermittently punctuated by the crisp, realistic sounds of foley effects. These sounds paint a vivid auditory picture that transports the listener to a different place and time, giving a sense of progression through various stages. The audio journey is interspersed with a soft, soothing narration in English, each word enunciated clearly. The narration guides the listener through the different stages, maintaining a steady pace in sync with the footsteps. As the audio progresses, the distant sounds become closer, creating a sense of movement and advancement. The audio concludes leaving a lingering echo of the footsteps, signifying the completion of the stages in the listener's