In this immersive audio experience titled "Square," you are transported to the bustling heart of a vibrant city. The scene is set in a lively city square, presumably in the middle of Belo Horizonte, a city pulsating with life and activity. As you listen, you'll feel as though you are standing right in the middle of the square, called "Praça" in Portuguese. The audio begins with the recognizable hum of a busy city. The distant sound of cars weaving their way through traffic creates an underlying rhythm, punctuated by occasional honks, a testament to the daily ebb and flow of city life. The revving engines and the fleeting sounds of tires on pavement paint a vivid picture of the streets, or "rua" as they are known in Portuguese, teeming with vehicles. Interspersed with the sounds of cars, or "carros", you can hear the murmur of people engaged in conversation. The chatter rises and falls, a blend