The audio titled "Sound Capture from My Street" unfolds a vibrant scene of a typical urban environment. The recording commences with the soft, underlying hum of the city, maintained by a steady field of frequency that is a testament to the city's pulsating life. Gradually, the rhythmic patterns of car engines become discernible. They provide a layered texture to the soundscape, ranging from the low grumble of a distant vehicle to the more immediate, high-pitched whirring of a car passing by. The audio perfectly captures the Doppler effect, as the frequency of the car engines changes from high to low as they move past the listener. Intermingled with the mechanical sounds, other elements of the street come alive. There are occasional rustling sounds that bring to mind the image of leaves being stirred by a passing car or a gentle breeze. The faint echo of pedestrian voices is occasionally detectable, adding a human element to the mix. Throughout the recording, the audio quality remain