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cover of Size 17 Oxygen 2
Size 17 Oxygen 2

Size 17 Oxygen 2


"Size 17 Oxygen 2" is an intriguing audio piece that is a chilling blend of the antinatural and horror genres. Striking an unsettling balance between reality and the surreal, the audio revolves predominantly around the eerie hissing sound effect. This high-frequency hissing noise is reminiscent of oxygen escaping from a size 17 cylinder or tank. The disturbingly continuous hiss serves to heighten the sense of unease, with the sound seemingly permeating every corner of your consciousness. As the audio progresses, the horror element becomes more pronounced. The hiss transforms into a cacophony of alarming sounds, creating an atmosphere that sends shivers down your spine. The audio effectively exploits the use of sound effects to generate an intense feeling of dread and suspense. It's a masterclass in the use of audio to create a terrifyingly immersive experience.

Sound Effectsantinaturalhorrorhisssound-effecthigh-frequency

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