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cover of Noisy Hotel Door Creaking, Squeaking, Opening, and Closing in Calgary, Recorded on August 19, 1908
Noisy Hotel Door Creaking, Squeaking, Opening, and Closing in Calgary, Recorded on August 19, 1908

Noisy Hotel Door Creaking, Squeaking, Opening, and Closing in Calgary, Recorded on August 19, 1908




In this vivid audio recording, a sense of history and nostalgia permeates as we find ourselves in Calgary, on August 19, 1908, experiencing the sounds of a hotel door. The first sound that captures your attention is the distinctive creak of the door, a sound that echoes in the stillness, suggesting age and countless stories held within its wooden frame. This creaking noise is then followed by a high-pitched squeak, a testament to the door's long service and the strain of its hinges. The next phase of the audio captures the door opening, a sound that fills the room, the rustling and shifting of the door on its hinges resonating in the otherwise quiet space. This is not a swift, smooth motion, but a slow, deliberate reveal, perhaps indicative of the era's construction, or simply the wear and tear of the door itself. The door finally opens completely, its purpose fulfilled. The last portion of the audio recording brings us the sound of

Sound Effectscreakopendoorclose

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