The audio titled "Metallic Distortion Sweep" begins with a faint, nearly imperceptible hum, gradually escalating to a cacophony of electronic noise. The harsh and jarring distortion captures your attention, reverberating with a metallic resonance, like a blaring siren echoing within a vast steel chamber. Then, there's a sweep, a sudden shift in the soundscape as if a digital broom is clearing away the chaos, subtly introducing an element of order. The noise takes on a rhythmic pattern, akin to a glitching machine, its regularity strangely soothing amidst the discord. This pattern then begins to rise, swelling in intensity and volume, becoming increasingly loud and overwhelming. The riser creates an illusion of an approaching entity, the suspense building with each second. The audio is an electrifying journey through a landscape of sound, a symphony of noise, distortion, and electronic beats, ultimately concluding with a powerful, sweeping finish.