In the audio titled, "Melody of Flute at 110 Beats per Minute," a haunting flute melody unfurls at a steady rhythm of 110 beats per minute. The flute's melody, eerie yet captivating, weaves an atmospheric tapestry that engulfs the listener. The piece is primarily designed to serve as a background score, enhancing the mood of a scene rather than dominating it. A chilling aura of horror and the supernatural permeates the audio, evoking images of ghosts and uncanny happenings. There's a distinct dark undertone to the melody, adding a gripping edge to the overall soundscape. The melody follows a loop pattern, creating a mesmerizing rhythm that heightens the sense of unease and suspense. The deliberate and steady pace of the audio combined with the eerie flute notes creates an intense, spine-tingling experience for the listener.