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cover of Lighting a Match
Lighting a Match

Lighting a Match


The audio begins with the distinct sound of a matchbox being opened and a single matchstick being drawn out. You can hear the slight scrape as the match meets the friction strip on the side of the box, followed by the sharp hiss as the match ignites. There's a brief pause as the flame takes hold, flickering and crackling in the quiet. The sound of the fire consuming the matchstick is clear, creating a soothing, rhythmic pattern. The burning match paints a vivid picture of a small yet powerful flame dancing atop the stick, casting a warm glow around. As the fire reaches the end of the stick, there's a final, gentle sizzle before the audio concludes with the acoustics of a spent match being dropped onto a hard surface.

Sound Effectsburningmatchesburnfirematchboxmatchigniting

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