As the audio titled "Laser Weapon" begins, the initial sounds are of a high-pitched hum, signifying the charging of a futuristic device. This hum then evolves into a more intense, resonating sound - the distinctive whine of a laser gun powering up. The anticipation builds, and suddenly there's a sharp, pulsating noise, resembling the firing of a phaser or a blaster. It's a sound that's both thrilling and ominous, echoing as if it's travelling at the speed of light. This is followed by an eerie silence, only to be broken by a series of similar firing noises, each one varying slightly in pitch and intensity, creating an image of different types of laser beams being fired. The audio gives an impression of a ray gun being handled, its each shot delivering a burst of energy through the silent cosmos. Intermittently, you can hear the subtle noises of the laser beam gun cooling down, a soft whir that contrasts with the sharp