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cover of Journey on a Bus
Journey on a Bus

Journey on a Bus




The audio experience titled "Journey on a Bus" begins with the ambient sound of a bus engine humming steadily, creating a rhythmic backdrop to the unfolding journey. The audio subtly introduces the listener to the world inside the bus, drawing them into an immersive experience of a typical public transportation ride. The interior of the bus is a symphony of sounds. The soft rustling of clothing, the dull murmur of hushed conversations, the occasional jingle of loose change, and the rhythmic beep of the bus ticket machine punctuate the constant engine hum. The bus ride is punctuated by the sound of the engine revving up as it accelerates and the gentle decrease in pitch as it slows down for stops. The doors open with a hydraulic hiss, followed by the shuffle of feet as passengers disembark and board. The occasional announcements echo through the bus, providing updates on the next stop or reminders to keep the aisle clear. The transportation soundscape is a rich blend of mechanical

Sound Effectsinteriorbusridetransportationengine

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