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Infrared View of Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall

Infrared View of Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall




In this audio experience titled "Infrared View of Liverpool's Philharmonic Hall," the listener is taken on a sonic journey. The audio starts with a low hum, setting an atmospheric tone. As the recording progresses, the listener can hear the echo of an empty, grand hall. The hall's acoustics are captured perfectly, creating a sense of being present in the magnificent Philharmonic Hall of Liverpool. The audio is characterized by a unique reverb effect, a reflection of sound that arrives at the listener's ears so shortly after the direct sound that they are perceived as a single, enhanced sound. This effect is used to mimic the natural echo of the hall, giving the audio a rich, layered depth. In the background, there are various field recordings. These ambient sounds, like the distant shuffle of footsteps, the murmur of voices, and the rustle of papers, animate the hall. They create a sense of space and time, transporting the listener to a lively performance night at

Sound Effectsreverbfield-recordingimpulse-response

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