Our audio story, titled "In this Bathhouse," transports listeners to an exotic locale, immersing them in the sensory world of a traditional Hamam. Here, the tale unfolds in a mini-story format, capturing the essence of the unique experience within a small narrative. The audio begins with the soothing sounds of trickling water and the soft, rustling noise of steam rising from the hot stones. This setting immediately establishes the ambience of a Hamam, a traditional bathhouse. The narrative then progresses, introducing the protagonist 'Minsana', a character who is a regular visitor to the bathhouse. The story uses Urdu terms to describe the various stages of the bathing ritual. Although the language used is mainly English, the sprinkling of Urdu phrases gives an authentic touch, enhancing the cultural context of the story. As the minutes pass, listeners are drawn deeper into the Hamam's atmosphere. The narrative describes the warm, humid air, the therapeutic benefits of the bath,