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cover of Hummer Vehicle

The audio begins with the unmistakable rumble of a powerful engine, hinting at the presence of a heavy-duty vehicle. As the sound progresses, the growl of coarse-tread tires against asphalt becomes evident, adding a unique texture to the audio landscape. The sound then shifts, indicating the movement of the vehicle. This large, truck-like vehicle, reminiscent of a Hummer or Humvee, passes by, its presence undeniable as the noise level dips and swells. The audio captures the distinct tire noise, hinting at the vehicle's impressive size and weight. As the vehicle moves further and further away, the intense engine noise subsides, leaving behind a faint, lingering echo of tire noise. The audio concludes with a sense of passing, the once dominant sound of the vehicle now a distant hum. The entire audio paints a vivid picture of a rugged, powerful Hummer vehicle passing by, leaving a trail of stirred air and the echo of its presence in its wake.

Sound Effectscoarse-treadtruckhumveetire-noisepassing-vehicle

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