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cover of Fluttering

As the audio titled "Fluttering" begins, the soft rustling of feathers fills the air, painting a vivid picture of a serene lakeside setting. The tranquil ambiance is punctuated by the gentle, rhythmic sound of ducks' wings in motion, a soothing melody that echoes the peaceful harmony of nature. The sound of wings fluttering, a gentle crescendo and decrescendo, captures the essence of ducks preparing for flight, their wings beating against the calm air, creating a symphony of natural sounds. The unique and distinct sound of each wingbeat narrates a tale of freedom and grace, indicative of the ducks' effortless mastery over their flight. This series of sounds transport you into a peaceful state, as if you were sitting by the lake, observing the ducks in their natural habitat, their wings fluttering in a mesmerising dance of nature.

Sound Effectsduckswingsflutter

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