The audio titled "Falling Star" begins with the sound of a distant flight, a faint but gradually intensifying hum that emulates the sensation of an object soaring through the sky. This soon merges into the unmistakable sound of a meteor, a whirling, blazing entity rushing through the atmosphere. The meteor's descent is amplified by an escalating series of sound effects, each layering onto the next to deepen the sense of speed, heat, and power. The audio engineers have carefully blended these effects to create a realistic portrayal of a meteor's fall, complete with the crackling of superheated air and the sizzling of the meteor itself. As the audio progresses, the meteor's descent reaches a crescendo, culminating in a resonating boom that echoes across the soundscape. This is the climactic moment, the point of impact where the falling star meets the earth with a thunderous blast. The boom is a powerful, deep sound effect, designed to shake the listener and make