As the audio narrative titled "Covered in Dust" unfolds, we are taken on a wild journey that explores the mysterious and enchanting life of dolphins in the sea. The audio begins with the distant echo of waves gently lapping against the shore, setting the stage for a serene and immersive marine adventure. The underwater ambience is carefully layered with the soft, playful chirping of dolphins, creating a vivid picture of their sea-bound life. The narrative then dives deeper, revealing the dolphin's curious interaction with the environment around it. You can almost visualize the dolphin, playfully swimming through the vast expanse of the sea, its sleek form cutting through the water with graceful ease. As we delve further into the dolphin's world, we encounter the 'Aran' - a term used to describe the dusty, sandy sea floor. The audio paints a vivid picture of the dolphin, playfully tumbling and rolling in the sandy 'Aran', its body covered in dust-like particles, a testament