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cover of Close Passage of Traffic
Close Passage of Traffic

Close Passage of Traffic




The audio recording titled "Close Passage of Traffic" begins with the soft, distant hum of engines, a clear indication of an impending flurry of vehicles. The sound gradually grows louder, portraying the approach of cars and buses, their engines revving as they move closer. There's a rhythmic pattern to the sound, mimicking the steady flow of traffic as vehicles pass by. An occasional, slightly different noise, perhaps a larger bus or a truck, interrupts the steady hum, adding depth to the audio landscape. There's a sense of motion, a feeling of proximity and immediacy. The sound of tires on the pavement, the light swish of air being displaced, even the faint jingle of loose change can be heard as cars and buses come and go in a continuous stream. As the recording progresses, one can discern the sound of traffic lights changing, their electronic beeps cutting through the noise, directing the flow of traffic. The engines rev up as the light changes, and the sound

Sound Effectscarspassbustrafficlightclosepassingby

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