In the audio titled "Changeover", we embark on an auditory exploration of different types of switches, evoking an atmosphere of constant change and transition. The audio starts with the distinct click of a light switch being flipped, instantly filling a quiet room with brightness. This is followed by the soft flicker of a dimmer switch, gradually illuminating a darkened space in a gentle crescendo of light. Next, we hear the robust clunk of an industrial switch being thrown, suggesting a heavy machinery powering up, followed by the electronic beep of a digital switch, conjuring images of modern technology at work. As the audio progresses, the sound of switches being flipped on and off, from ancient circuit breakers to futuristic touch screens, creates a rhythmic symphony. Each switch contributes to an ever-changing soundscape, reflecting the constant switching and changeover that happen in our daily lives. The audio ends with the softest whisper of a switch, a light switch being