The audio piece titled "Causes Fear" begins with an unsettling silence, a calm before the storm of terror. Suddenly, a low, menacing growl rumbles in, sending chills down your spine. This is no ordinary growl; it's monstrous, filled with an otherworldly menace that instantly invokes fear. Just as the growl fades, a horrific roar takes its place. It echoes, reverberating through the unseen, dark depths from which it originated. It's the kind of roar that makes your heart pound and your blood run cold. It's a roar that is not just heard, but felt, resonating deep within your very core. As the roar dies down, the unsettling silence returns, but it's short-lived. An eerie, haunting sound pierces the quiet - the unmistakable moan of a zombie. It's a chilling reminder of the horror that lurks in the shadows, waiting, hungry and relentless. The audio continues to cycle through these horror