In this audio recording from May 12, 2016, titled "Big Fish," we are transported to a bustling marketplace in Sapporo, Japan. As the audio unfolds, we can perceive the distinct sounds of a vibrant and active environment, teeming with the hustle and bustle of shoppers and vendors. The centerpiece of this soundscape is the resonating chime of a bell, its distinct sound echoing throughout the market. This bell serves a special purpose, signaling the arrival and sale of a big fish at a stall. The sound of the bell draws attention, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. The ambience is filled with lively chatter in the background, a testament to the busy nature of the marketplace. The hum of conversations, laughter, and occasional exclamations of surprise paint a vivid picture of a typical day in the life of this Japanese mall. The sounds of commerce are also present, from the rustling of shopping bags to the soft jingle of coins changing