The audio titled "Amphibians: Frogs" begins with the soothing sound of water gently lapping at the edge of a pond. This peaceful setting is quickly interrupted by the distinct, rhythmic croaking of frogs, a sound that reverberates through the air. The croaking is varied, illustrating the diversity of frog species present around the pond. Suddenly, there is a slight rustling sound, indicating the movement of a frog or perhaps a toad. As the audio progresses, details about the amphibians are revealed. The difference between frogs and toads is explained, their distinctive features, behaviors, and habitats are discussed. The audio also touches upon the frogs' life cycle, from tadpole to adult, and their remarkable transformation. The recurring theme of croaking is discussed further, explaining its purpose in communication, mating, and as a warning signal. The audio then shifts to the human perception of these amphibians. They are described as creatures that hold cultural significance in