Title: "A Resounding No" The audio begins with a suspenseful and eerie tone, reminiscent of the classic video game Doom. An ominous, deep male voice distinctly articulates, "A Resounding No," which echoes out and fades away. This phrase is interspersed with the signature sounds of the popular GZDoom game engine - the growling of creatures, the firing of weapons, and the opening of doors. In the background, you can hear a mix of chilling ambient sounds, reinforcing the feeling that you're navigating through the terrifying, demon-infested corridors of a Doom game. The suspenseful music and the intense sound effects gradually build up, creating an atmosphere of dread and imminent danger. The audio also contains snippets of dialogues, likely taken from the ModDB modifications of the game. These dialogues hint at the challenges and the high-stakes battles that lie ahead, further enhancing the sense of impending doom. As the audio progresses, the intensity of the sound