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cover of 09-Arches

The audio clip titled "09-Arches" begins with the sound of a bustling environment, giving an impression of a highly active setting, possibly a university or college. There's a noticeable element of foley throughout, with the distinct sounds of footsteps, doors opening and closing, and the faint rustle of papers being shuffled. A male voice cuts through the ambient noise, sounding youthful and energetic. The voice suggests that of a student, possibly in his early twenties. He speaks with a clear and confident tone, suggesting that he's familiar with the surroundings and comfortable in this setting. He continues to speak intermittently throughout the audio, his voice serving as a thread tying the various elements of the audio together. The audio also features other human sounds. There are indistinct murmurs of conversation in the background, the soft laughter of a group of students, and the occasional sound of someone clearing their throat or coughing. The soundscape created in "09-A

Sound Effectsfoleyhumanvocalstudentman

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