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go with the flow. Make as much money as you can and try your best not to get broke. Copy everything you see on the TV from the hairstyles to the clothes and don't think too often. Just do exactly as you're told and if you ever get confused then just turn towards the alcohol. You'll still hear thoughts then, just turn up the radio as you learn to live a lifestyle of drugs, sex and rock and roll. But in all honesty I just need to know is there more to the cycle than growing and getting old, living and dying just to leave behind a happy home and a whole lot of property that somebody else is going to own. I just really need to know before the cask gets closed because I'm not willing to gamble with my soul nor am I ready to take any chances. These are just simple life questions and I'm just searching for some answers like what are we doing here and what is our purpose, how did we get here and who made us so perfect and what happens once we go or is this world all really worth it. Questions we don't answer because apparently we don't really have to, there's no purpose to this life and our existence is merely natural. Then in that case please let me ask you, did you create yourself or was it somebody else who had fashioned you because you're a being that's impeccable, faultless and unparalleled. You're a product of supreme intelligence and I'm merely being rational for there isn't a camera on this earth that can come close to the human eye nor a computer that can compete alongside the human mind and if the whole...

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