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(0775259917) Kampala Grain Moisture Meters In Uganda

(0775259917) Kampala Grain Moisture Meters In Uganda


We have high quality grain moisture meters that are helpful in the field to determine when to begin harvesting in Kampala Uganda. (+256(0)775259917) Avoid extra drying costs by getting your moisture meter and stop harvesting wet grains. If grains are harvested wetter than necessary, it will result in extra drying costs. We are suppliers of pocket-sized grain moisture meter with an in-built grinder. The moisture meter is used to measure water content in grain and seed in the field.

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Rain Scales and Moisture Meters in Kampala, Uganda are found only at Atlet Rain Scales Limited, Wandegea, KCCM Market, South Wing, 2nd Floor, SSF 036, Telephone Plus 256-705-577823 or Plus 256-775-259917. https://www.atlet.com

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